- OA-ASP asp完成办公自动化设计论文和源代码完整版
- game-base-dev 本资料讲解通过VC++实现游戏开发的基础知识
- lmn4op.ZIP 潜油电泵机组及井下传感器状态监测技术研究Submersible electric pump and the downhole sensor monitoring technology research
- youbocrm_v1.0.04.18 友博CRM客户关系管理系统 v1.0.2015.04.18
- Christmas-background-design hola esto es con el imagen del elemento
- dq0-software dq0变换软件开发包
Lee filter for speckle noise reduction
- 在自适应中值滤波的基础上,采用均值与方差得到一个阈值,来判断极值点是不是噪声点!(On the basis of adaptive median filtering, a threshold is obtained by means of mean and variance to determine whether the extreme point is a noise point!)
VR Xbox 360 Emulator
- gif je n' rien compris 3
Image fogging
- 何恺明等人研究出的基于暗通道的经典图像去雾算法,不仅可以还原图像的颜色和能见度,同时也能利用雾的浓度来估计物体的距离。(The classic fog removal algorithm based on dark channel, which was developed by He Kaiming and others, not only can restore the color and visibility of images, but also can estimate the dist
- python实现bmp图片解析与再显示(Python implementation of BMP image analysis and re display)
- 超声相控阵声场仿真程序,可以对相控阵探头的声场进行仿真(The ultrasonic phased array acoustic field simulation program can simulate the sound field of phased array probe)
- 基于opencv的KDE背景建模的源代码,下载就可以使用,需要自己配置环境。
- 迁移学习框架ADDA, python 代码,整体可运行(a framework of transfer learning)
- The Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction ALgrotihms (SPIRAL) toolbox,SPIRALTAP.m, is MATLAB code for recovering sparse signals from Poisson observations.
- 降低emd端点效应影响,降低模态混淆的影响(Reduce the influence of EMD endpoint effect and reduce the influence of modal confusion)
- 通过直方图增强技术的相关研究,采用直方图优化的方法实现去雾算法,(Fog removal algorithm based on histogram optimization)
- 基于形态学的权重自适应图像去噪,通过形态学的图像去噪效果,引入加权形态学去噪的应用。(Based on the morphological weight adaptive image denoising, through the morphological image denoising effect, the introduction of weighted morphological denoising application.)
- 主要适用于图像增强的客观质量评价,效果比较好;其实熵值就是求图像的相似度(Mainly applied to the objective of image quality evaluation, the effect is better; In fact, the entropy is to find the image similarity)