- Font2DTest_java These instructions assume that the 1.4 versions of the java and appletviewer commands are in your path. If they aren t
- MFC1-8 本压缩包是MFC程序开发参考大全1
- PetBuffList mo siang online titan bug 2012
- output-test-result 实现测试结果的三态输出:pass fail n/g
- 千年杀手9.19 大厅欠缺仍换欠妥仍人仍佣兵佣兵仍仍仍人(WWsdafasfasfewarewqreqw)
- 一个自己编的车牌识别程序,采用BP神经网络实现,效果较好。(图片和程序都在一个文件夹里)-A license plate recognition program to achieve good effect.It is written by myself using BP neural network to achieve it.
- 该程序主要对车标进行预处理边缘检测等,并对车标进行识别等论文资料-The program mainly for pre-standard vehicles such as edge detection, identification and logo
- 人脸检测的PCA算法。先利用PCA算法,将测试集在人脸空间中进行训练,得到人脸空间的基向量,再用试验图片进行试验。-PCA algorithm for face detection. First use of PCA algorithm, the test set in the face space for training, get face space basis vectors, and then test picture test.
- 用VC写的商标检索程序,给出一个商标和待检测的图片集,该程序可以检测出含有该商标的图片,有好几种方法。-Written by VC trademark search process, given a mark and set the picture to be detected, the program can detect the image containing the mark, there are several methods.
- word版的,指纹的方向图技术研究,里面有三大类指纹方向图的方法:点方向图,块方向图以及连续分布方向图。解压缩后在程序说明中详细介绍了使用方法-word version of the fingerprint pattern research, there are three categories of fingerprint pattern method: point pattern, block pattern and a continuous distribution pattern. Ex
- 用于文字识别的训练数据样本,对于模式识别很有帮助-it can be used as the training data of model recognition
- 基于Matlab+直方图Histogram的人脸识别程序-Histogram Histogram based on Matlab+ Face Recognition program
- matlab图像特征识别。分类器的训练方法。很好的学习资料。如何用OpenCV训练自己的分类器。内含人脸库共训练器使用-matlab image feature recognition. Classifier training methods. Good learning materials. How to use OpenCV train their own classification. Training face database containing a total of uses
- 基于笔画的联机手写识别,java开发-The on-line handwriting recognition based on stroke
- The title paper is "A hybrid License Plate Extraction Method Based On Edge Statistics and Morphology" . Thanks for your attention
- 能够打开摄像头,并采集图片,对手势进行提取并处理,最后进行手势识别,并点菜。只支持1,2,3,4四种手势-To open the camera and capture images of the gesture to extract and process, the final gesture recognition, and a la carte. Supports only 1,2,3,4 four kinds of gestures
- 利用OCR进行验证码识别源码,易语言开发-Validate the use of OCR recognition source code, easy language development