- 表面平滑Mesh 拉普拉斯光顺 三角形网格 近似高斯曲率-Surface Quality and Smoothing 1.Computation of the uniform Laplacian operator and using it for smoothing (uniform Laplace smoothing) 2.Computation of the circum-radius to minimum edge length ratio to evaluate th
- 真实感绘制综合 建立一个虚拟环境,实现一个真实感绘制算法,以最能反映算法的真实感效果为目的(如果能包括阴影,反射,透明的效果最好)。 -Rendering algorithms to best reflect the effect of the algorithm for the purpose of realistic (if they can, including shadows, reflections, transparency works best).
- 国外大学本科生的计算机图形学大作业,用OpenGL实现的动物园,可以使用鼠标和键盘进行交互操作,真实感很强,纹理、光源、walkbias等运用十分熟练恰当,很具有参考价值。-Foreign universities for their undergraduate computer graphics operation, use OpenGL achieve zoo, you can use the mouse and keyboard interaction operation, strong
- 通过实现实验内容,掌握OpenGL中顶点数组和显示列表的使用,并验证课程中关于OpenGL显示加速技术的内容。-By implementing experimental content, master OpenGL vertex array and displayed using the list and verify the contents of the course on OpenGL graphics acceleration technology.
- 粒子系统烟云、火花、爆炸、暴风雪、瀑布、水波。 、外部文件格式STL 3DS MD2 MS3D -Particle systems smoke, sparks, explosion, storm, waterfalls, water. The external file formats STL 3DS MD2 MS3D
- OpenGL简单飞机模型,上下左右键控制旋转。-OpenGL simple airplane models, arrow keys control the rotation.
- 使用OpenGL绘制等高线,也可用于绘制隐函数。-Using OpenGL to draw contour lines.
- 可以用鼠标实现任意轴旋转平移缩放,提供Qt平台,win32平台和MFC平台,自己封装的RoamingScenceManager可以很容易构建opengl漫游场景。-You can use the mouse to achieve any axis pan and zoom, providing Qt platform, win32 platform and MFC platform, own package RoamingScenceManager can easily build opengl
- osg用约束线去掉想去掉三角网的区域,实现地形的裁剪和编辑,方便灵活。-osg with constraint remove want to remove triangulation area Terrain cutting and editing, convenient and flexible.
- opengl实现图形基于颜色的线性插值变换,还有基于坐标位置,基于顶点坐标的。-opengl achieve linear interpolation based on color graphics transformation, as well as based on the coordinate position, based on the vertex coordinates.
- 演示验证了OpenGL与vb结合实现三维结构网格的绘制,网格云图的绘制。鼠标基本交互,包括旋转、平移、缩放,不同视角视图的设置,坐标系绘制,光照,shade的绘制等内容。-Demonstration of the combination of OpenGL and vb to achieve three-dimensional structure of the grid rendering, rendering the grid cloud. Mouse basic interaction, i
- 使用MFC AppWizard 建立一个SDI 程序,。可增加绘制图形球体或茶壶等,可在环境中创建点光源、平行光、聚光灯(可利用对话框输入参数创建)、设置所绘制对象的材质,呈现出塑料、金属等材质特性。可对光源的位置、方向、类型进行控制,改变材质参数-A SDI procedures, using MFC AppWizard to create. Can increase drawing graphics sphere or teapot, etc, can create a point sour