- 基于极线距离变换的人脸立体匹配算法_胡步发.pdf基于自适应极线距离变换的立体匹配_符立梅.pdf-Based on people s face polar distance transform stereo matching stereo matching algorithm _ Hu footwork .pdf adaptive polar distance transform _ Mei Li Fu .pdf
- 此程序为VC与matlab图像处理与识别实用案例精选的源码,内容详实,与大家分享。-This program is VC with matlab image processing and recognition of practical cases of selected source code, content, informative, and to share.
- 所上传的源码是用Visual C++,Matlab编写的图像处理入门的实例源码,对于从基础学习用Visual C++,Matlab编写图像处理的人员来说有很大的启发作用。-From the source code by using Visual C++, Matlab Image Processing Introduction to the preparation of examples of source code, from basic study using Visual C++, Mat
- 基于matlab进行镜头检测,也就是读入视频后将镜头变换的那几帧输出(Matlab based shot detection, which is read into the video after the lens transform that frame output)
- Y33+Geomagic_studio_11教程连载一:点云处理,非常好的学习资料,附带点云数据。-Tutorial Y33+Geomagic_studio_11 Part: point cloud processing, a very good learning materials, with the point cloud data.
- 直线与圆的生成并填充,是在VC++环境下实现的,有窗口与控件,同时还是MFC的一个实例。-The generation of straight lines and circles, and fill in the VC++ environment to achieve, with windows and controls, is also an instance of MFC.
- 在VC下OpenGL编写的小型桌球游戏,对别人的代码进行了修改,原库无法调用,重新带上了glut32.dll库,可直接运行。-In VC OpenGL prepared by the small pool games on someone else s code has been modified, the original library can not be called again to bring the glut32.dll library, can be directly run.
- 文字识别系统,对文字进行分割,定位,匹配的demo程序,最终显示出图片中的文字-Text recognition system, the text segmentation, positioning, matching the demo program, the final display of the text in the picture
- 运用vc++开发工具,实现了遥感影像地面亮度温度、辐射强度功能-Using vc++ development tools, to achieve the remote sensing image ground brightness temperature, radiation intensity function
- 一个简单球形天空系统的模拟,详细介绍了球形天空的绘画-A simple spherical sky simulation system, detailing the sphere of painting the sky
- 利用CS算法进行核磁共振图像恢复程序,采用随机二维欠采样,最优的CS采样模型集中在卡笛儿采样轨迹。-CS algorithm for magnetic resonance image recovery procedures using random two-dimensional due to sampling, the sampling trajectory optimal CS sampling model is concentrated in the Cartesian children.
- 用最近热门的CS算法重建核磁共振图像,利用稀疏转换将水膜图像稀疏化利用CS算法重建恢复,并分析了效果。-Recent popular CS algorithm for reconstruction of magnetic resonance images using sparse conversion sparse use of the water film images CS algorithm for reconstruction recovery and analysis of the e