- Soft20060207112550135boxingyanshi 波形演示 实现了一般波形的显示
- fonturi_coperta_doctorat_USV-(1) a very nice font to be used in documents
- SAA 模拟退火C语言代码
- imrender 本代码是由外国作者基于MATLAB 编写的图像渲染代码
- sch plc 非常有用的开发原理图
- TSR每日波动范围 每日波动的范围 和每日的中轴线 每日波动的上限和下限 作为参考(The range of daily fluctuation and the upper and lower limits of daily fluctuation of the central axis are taken as reference)
- 《3D游戏编程》随书光盘 第7章 外部地形处理:三维世界的处理技巧, 有详细源代码, 包括3D地形生成技巧, 控制摄像机实现地形上的移动,裁剪多余多边形,给引擎减重,四叉树:有效管理较大地形的方法, 四叉树的剔除:速度优化技巧, LOD:使用LOD进行地形处理,防止龟裂:龟裂问题的解决。," 3D Game Programming" book with CD-ROM Chapter 7 deal with the external landscape: the world of
- 本程序针对灰度图象进行处理,如对图象进行锐化、滤波、直方图均衡化等操作。-This procedure is for the gray-scale image processing, such as image sharpening, filtering, histogram equalization operation, and so on.
- 相当不错的二值化处理程序,里面的代码都是本人所写,是用MFC做界面,C++编写的。-Pretty good binarization process, which I wrote all the code is to do with MFC interface, C++ prepared.
- 本软件能快速生成条码,各种黑白相间的一维条码-This software can quickly generate bar code, a variety of black-and-white one-dimensional bar code
- 人脸识别的例子用于面部识别开发,用较为简单的例子实现,用于二次开发!(face regnize example and some security check)
- gvSIG是一个开源的桌面地理信息系统,同时也是开发地理信息系统一个强有力的工具。它包含许多功能如空间数据分析,地图编辑,Map设计等。gvSIG得到了西班牙一些政府和公司的参与并基于GPL许可证发布。gvSIG能够很好得工作在windows和linux平台之上。gvSIG支持其它GIS系统经常使用到的一些空间数据标准格式(shapefile,DXF,DWG,DGN,ECW,MrSID,TIFF,JPG2000等)。gvSIG遵循OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)标准
face detection
- 运用HOG提取人脸特征与支持向量机算法训练模型,进行人脸识别(Using HOG to extract facial features and support vector machine algorithm training model for face recognition)
- 在立体标定的基础上,对OpenCV中涉及的两种立体匹配算法进行了实现。最后生成视差图像。-Based on the stereo calibration, two kinds of stereo matching algorithms in OpenCV are implemented . Finally, the disparity image is generated.
- 微软的数字图像处理说明文件。包括图像分割,边缘检测,图像识别。英文版。-Microsoft s Digital Image Processing documentation. Including image segmentation, edge detection, image recognition. English.
- 虹膜识别源码 能够直接实现 很不错的 希望大家一起学习 一起进步-Iris recognition can be a direct source of hope to achieve very good progress, with everyone learning together
- 用foe专家场进行图像修复,效果很好,只是运行时间偏长-With the foe experts field repair image, the effect is very good, just slightly long running time
- 清华章老师的图像处理上册,很好的学习资料-Qinghua Zhang teacher' s book on image processing, very good learning materials