- Demo AppWizard has created this application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
- main 基于arm的
- Merchandise-management-system 商品管理系统
- openCV-library-transplant-to-S3C2440 opencv开源图像处理函数库在S3C2440移植 一
- 2 构建停车信号灯
- Motion Detection 实现了动态目标检测算法
- 应用多种滤波器进行处理:算术均值,几何 均值,谐波均值,逆谐波均值,中值滤波, 中点滤波,最大值、最小值滤波等,To deal with a variety of filter applications: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, inverse harmonic mean, median filter, the mid-point filtering, maximum, minimum filtering
- 一个顶点覆盖近似算法,对开发GIS和网络方面的应用非常有用.-A vertex cover approximation algorithm, for developing the application of GIS and network very useful.
- 本程序实现对图像的增强,通过模糊增强算法,使图像的边缘信息更加明显,图像出来,能够更好的处理高频信息-This procedure to achieve an image enhancement, through the fuzzy enhancement algorithm, so that the edge of the image information more clearly, the image out, better able to deal with high-frequency
- 实现图像均衡化,没有使用自带的函数实现,仅供学习交流-Equalization of image, not using the built-in function to achieve, only to learn communication
- 该段程序通过设置“图像翻转”功能键对应的句柄uipanel7中的“Visible”属性的开关来实现该功能键的显示隐藏。其他同理。-The procedures by setting the " image flip" the handle uipanel7 function keys corresponding " Visible" property switch to the function keys show hidden. Other empathy.
- Fisher线性判别是线性分类算法中最基本的一种算法,其基本思想是将d维空间中的样本投影到一条最易于分类的投影线上,再进行分类-Linear discriminant analysis is one of the most basic algorithm for linear classification algorithm, the basic idea is to divide the sample projection D dimensional space into one of the
- 用DirectShow采集图像,DirectShow采集比普通的采集快,比OpenCv的要快-Use DirectShow capture image, DirectShow sampling than ordinary fast, faster than OpenCv
- 这段程序是,J(p,q)代表的二值水印图像,二值水印图像的像素值只有0和1,所以if J(p,q)==0,a=-1 ,是如果水印图像像素值是0的话,让a=-1,当水印像素值为1的话,让a=1,我个人认为是为了提取时候好提取-DCT digital watermark embedding and extraction of
- 运用双目摄像头获取左右图像,得到致密性视差图-Get around using binocular camera images to obtain a dense disparity map
- 图像几何变换。若已知变换矩阵,利用函数来构造变换-Image geometric transformation. If known transform matrix, using the function to construct transformation
- 频域滤波,然后对滤波后的信号进行傅里叶逆变换,得到时域信号并画图!-Frequency domain filtering, and then the signal after the inverse Fourier transform, the time-domain signal and draw!
- RGB equalization is done on this program