- 图像sift特征提取,实现图像库中图像检索。-Image sift feature extraction, the realization of image retrieval in image database.
- 粒子滤波器的C++版本代码。粒子滤波器是改进的卡尔曼滤波器,在目标跟踪领域运用非常广泛,对遮挡和尺度、光照等较鲁棒。-Particle filter C++ version of the code. Particle filter is improved Kalman filter, used in a very wide field of target tracking.It is robust to occlusion ,scale issue, illumination and so on
- Source Code The code is written in C++ using VisualStudio on Windows platform. 1.Download the SimpleViewer.zip file, unzip it. 2.Enter SimpleViewer/Viewer/Test directory, double click on Test.sln file. Compile the project using Visual Studio.
- 图像处理方面的资料,,,介绍了各种算法的原理与效果,,可以做入门使用-Image processing information, and introduced the principle and effect of various algorithms can do entry-use
- 最新重要计算机视觉书籍,其中包括图像处理,特征检测与匹配,分割,三维重建,识别等知识,是目前计算机视觉非常经典的书籍,是从事这个方向科研工作者必备的书籍。-The seeds for this book were first planted in 2001 when Steve Seitz at the University ofWashington invited me to co-teach a course called “Computer Vision for Computer Gr
- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications一书-Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
- 机器视觉算法与应用,里面内容包括至2010年的所有关于机器视觉的高质量论文。http://szeliski.org/Book/ 他的个人网站也可以下载-Machine vision algorithms and applications, which includes all of 2010 and its vision on quality paper.
- 在linux平台上运用caffe使用神经网络算法对图像进行分类,预测。在计算机视觉中(机器人视觉中)占主导作用。(On the Linux platform, Caffe is used to classify and predict the image using neural network algorithm. It plays a dominant role in computer vision (robot vision).)
- 基于平行投影和透视投影的光线跟踪算法,该算法又有DRR,SSD,MIP三种计算方法。所有代码均为原创。-Based on parallel projection and perspective projection ray tracing algorithm, which have DRR, SSD, MIP three calculation methods. All codes are original.
- 此代码用于完成MRI图像的压缩采样重建。它是论文"Sparse MRI: The Application of Compressed Sensing for Rapid MR Imaging", 2007中的源码-This is an implementation of Compressed Sensing reconstruction for MRI data. It implements the non-linear conjugate sub-gradient algorithm as
- 这个按照作者的所说的方法做了一些改动,效果还可以,速度很快,程序实现了四种算法,Retinex算法,暗原色算法,Retinex HE,RetinexBF,可以对输入的视频进行处理,,视频格式可以是avi,mpg等,可调节的参数是大气光(According to this method that the author has made some changes, the effect can also be very fast, procedures for the realization of
- 本文实现了09年CVPR的文章Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching using Sparse Coding for Image Classification-This package contains the Matlab codes implementing the ScSPM algorithm described in CVPR 09 paper "Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching using Sparse Coding for