- 运用于单脉冲体制下的雷达信号,通过计算和差进行测角(angle difference measurements under monopulse signals)
- 完成给定的两幅图像中差异之处寻找。显示出两幅图中哪里经过了篡改(Find the difference between the two images. Shows where the two images have been tampered with)
- ABAQUS 初学者小例子,适合初学者学习参考使用。(ABAQUS for beginners)
- 可以分析NMEA0183格式中的GGA数据的静态精度(rms)(Can analyze the static accuracy (rms) of GGA data in NMEA0183 format)
- Simulates n random angles from a von Mises distribution, with preferred direction thetahat and concentration parameter kappa(Simulates n random angles from a von Mises distribution, with preferred direction thetahat and concentration parameter kapp
BLDC ZSI fuzzy zeta
- BLDC motor speed and torque control using ZETA, Z-source converter, fuzzy logic
- 微电网能量平衡的基本任务是指在一定的控制策略下,使微电网中的各分布式电源及储能装置的输出功率满足微电网的负荷需求,保证微电网的安全稳定,实现微电网的经济优化运行。(The basic task of micro grid energy balance is to make the output power of each distributed power source and energy storage device in micro grid meet the load demand of
- 粒子群算法求解约束多目标优化万能matlab代码。本代码是基于有约束条件的寻优问题,采用APSO可以加快寻优的速度,修改参数比较简单,目标函数和上下限根据自身的需要进行改动,,可以实现目标函数的寻优(Particle swarm algorithm for solving constrained multi-objective optimization universal matlab code. This code is based on the optimization problem wi
- In this study, a current model predictive controller (MPC) is designed for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) where the speed of the motor can be regulated precisely.
新建 DOCX 文档
- 运用newmark法计算车桥耦合振动 桥取4阶模态,车为单自由度,车速5m/s,车辆,桥梁参数已经带入矩阵(Calculation of coupling vibration of vehicle and bridge by Newmark method)
- 此代码用于毕业设计里的泊车场的停车位预测!很好的使用了BP神经网络模型,有数据有代码(This code is used for parking space prediction in the parking lot in the graduation design! Good use of BP neural network model, data and code)
- BP神经网络进行回归预测分析,从表格中读取数据,进行时间序列分析的预测回归(Regression analysis of BP neural network)