- S7_Pro6 一个S7
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- FluidPipelineSimulinkModels These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at the ends (2) flow rates at the ends (3) pressure at one end and flow rate at the other Filtering is incorporated to reduce numerical oscillation (Gibbs phenomenon). See J. Dyn. Systems
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- OPERATOR_OVERLOADING A great insight into operator overloading in c/c++. Overloading operators in class operations is always a hectic for beginners. I hope this will be an easy source to take some hint from regarding how the operators are overloaded. Created using Turbo C/C
- 一个很好的人脸识别系统,包括对图像的处理,识别,以及重建等。希望对大家有帮助-a good face recognition system, including image processing, recognition, and renewal. We hope to help
- 字符串近似匹配算法,具有实际应用意义-approximate string matching algorithm is practical significance!
- 这是一个矩阵乘法 程序,按要求输入矩阵后可实现矩阵间的叉乘、点乘-This is a matrix multiplication multiplication procedure, as required input matrix matrix would be achieved by the fork, take points
- 用VC编写的股票交易系统,可实现股票交易中的简单算法-VC prepared by the stock trading, stock can be realized in a simple algorithm
- 用VC编写的求解多元方程的算法,按要求输入反方程可求得近似解-VC prepared by the multi-equation solution algorithm, by the importation of anti-equations approximate solution can be obtained.
- 数据挖掘关联规则Apiori算法的java实现,关于算法可参考韩家伟的数据挖掘教程-Data Mining Association Rules Apiori algorithm java realization of algorithm reference Han Wei Data Mining Directory
- 神经网络程序,主要有BP来进行弱信号检测,-neural network programming, mainly for BP weak signal detection,
- 自己编的LMS自适应算法的MATLAB源程序 本程序内容: 产生一个信号+白噪声序列,用lms算法自适应去除噪声; lmsx.m为自适应函数 task2.m为主函数,其中调用lmsx.m -own series of the LMS algorithm MATLAB source of this program : produce a white noise signal sequence, using LMS adaptive algorithm for removing
- MATLABThe CD-ROM accompanying this book contains MATLAB® M-files (MATLAB language source code) and Simulink® block diagram models for designing, implementing and testing control systems.
- 关于LDPC编/译码的方针平台。能随机产生信源和模拟高斯信道。-on LDPC encoder / decoder platform approach. Letters can be randomly generated and analog sources Gaussian Channel.
- TSTOOL应用软件,内有说明文件,可以适当修改,应用比较方便.-TSTOOL application software within a descr iptive document, appropriate, the application more convenient.
- SVM经典调试程序,内有说明,应用简便,可用做回归分类方面的计算-SVM classic debugger, with a descr iption of applications is simple and can be used for classification of return calculation