Tensorlab Userguide
- 最新版本 Tensor Toolbox 2.6,下载之前需要简单的注册一下,提交相关的使用者基本信息,点击提交后直接跳转到下载页面,下载即可,有zip和tar.gz格式.(The latest version of Tensor Toolbox 2.6, Download: http://www.sandia.gov/~tgkolda/TensorToolbox/index-2.6.html before downloading simply need to register, submit t
- 本文件中包含的MATLAB程序文件:新社杨,自然启发式算法,方便初学者的学习(The document contained in the MATLAB program file: new society, natural heuristic algorithm, easy for beginners to learn)
- 基于TDOA的定位算法,简单,易懂,希望对有需要的人有所帮助(Location algorithm based on TDOA, It's simple, easy to understand, and hope to be helpful to the people in need)
- 关于布朗运动的一维,二维MATLAB程序代码。是根据老师布置完成的作业(One-dimensional, two-dimensional MATLAB code for the Brown movement. The assignments completed by the teacher)
- matlab for lbp, try it
神经网络 粒子群
- 通过神经网络去拟合数据,用粒子群去优化参数(The neural network is used to fit the data and the particle swarm optimization is used to optimize the parameters)
- 分数阶混沌系统相图吸引子的求解程序代码(Program code for solving the attractor of phase diagram of fractional order chaotic system)
- 使用matlab计算噪声处理:1/3倍频程(Using MATLAB to calculate noise processing: 1/3 octave)
code of MNNs
- 构建了简单的忆阻神经网络的MATLAB模型,并设计了自适应控制器,来实现驱动-响应同步。(Construct the MATLAB model simple memristive neural network, and the adaptive controller is designed to achieve drive-response synchronization.)
- 视频压缩协议h.264的编码和解码例程,用MATLAB编辑(Coding and decoding routines for video compression protocol H.264, edited with MATLAB)
- 粒子群算法路径规划,可以直接运行,可以在此基础上继续改进嗯嗯嗯嗯(Particle swarm algorithm for path planning, can be directly run, can be the basis to continue to improve, huh)
- 该代码用于处理光经过透镜做的傅里叶变换,利用对数极坐标的方法来分离涡旋光(The code is used to deal with the Fourier transform of light through the lens, and the method of logarithmic polar coordinates is used to separate the vortex optical rotation.)