GA7 - ZS1
- 基于遗传算法的主动悬架模糊控制,通过遗传算法来优化模糊控制的隶属度函数,以此来优化悬架的垂直加速度的方均根(Fuzzy control of active suspension based on genetic algorithm and membership function of fuzzy control are optimized by genetic algorithm to optimize the mean square root of vertical acceleration
- 用于超材料产生电磁诱导透明的验证。基本能够完美匹配仿真数据
- 基于粒子群算法的mppt算法,PSO算法,MPPT最大功率点跟踪(MPPT algorithm based on particle swarm optimization)
- 该模型可以研究光储充直流微网的稳定性,母线电容参数设计,PI控制器参数设计等(The model can be used to study the stability of optical storage charging DC microgrid, bus capacitance parameter design, PI controller parameter design and so on.)
- LBM方法在相变模型中的应用,并包含边界条件的处理方式(The application of LBM method in phase change model, which contains how to deal with boundary condition)
data and program
- 对针触式粗糙度测量仪测得的离散数据点进行高斯滤波,得到粗糙度曲线和波纹度曲线。(Gauss filtering is applied to the discrete data points measured by the pin-and-touch roughness measuring instrument to obtain the roughness curve and the waviness curve.)
- MATLAB语言实现的LSTM长短期记忆神经网络模型(LSTM Long-term and Short-term Memory Neural Network Model Implemented by MATLAB Language)
- 本代码采用python语言编写的的一个LSTM时间序列来预测销量(This code uses a LSTM time series written in Python language to predict sales)
3D UAV Path planning
- 基于NSGA2算法的无人机航迹规划算法,可运行(The UAV trajectory planning algorithm based on NSGA2 algorithm can be operated.)
- 在多元统计领域中,核函数主成分分析(kernel principal component analysis, kernel PCA)是利用核函数方法技术对主成分分析(PCA)的扩展。使用核函数使原PCA的线性操作是在一个复制的内核希尔伯特空间中执行的。 KPCA的运算步骤势在PCA之前首先对数据进行kernel变换 ,再求相关系数矩阵。(In the field of multivariate statistics, kernel principal component analysis (ke
- 基于matlab的多道地震信号合成,涉及雷克子波与反射系数,还有地震信号的加噪与去噪(Multichannel seismic signal synthesis based on matlab involves Rayleigh wavelet and reflection coefficient, as well as noise addition and denoising of seismic signal.)
卷积盲源分离(2 source 基于能量相关排序)
- 直接运行Demo文件即可,本算法案例是两源信号卷积混合,基于同一信号相邻频点能量相关的方法对频域盲源分离信号进行排序(The demo file can be run directly. The case of this algorithm is the convolution mixing of two source signals. The Blind Source Separation (BSS) signals in frequency domain are sorted based o