- 感知机的c实现,感知机的三要素:模型、学习策略、学习算法,简单易懂,供交流学习。-Perceptron c realization, perceived three elements machine: model, learning strategy, learning algorithm, easy to understand, for the exchange of learning.
- recast navigation实现基于unity的导航网格数据进行寻路,优化路径平滑算法-recast navigation realization pathfinding grid-based unity of navigation data, the optimal path smoothing algorithm
- 本程序为RBF神经网络预测。输入量为多个,输出为单个,可根据自己需求进行修改。预测效果明显,较为实用。-This procedure is RBF neural network prediction. The input quantity is many, the output is a single, may according to own need to carry on the revision. Prediction effect is obvious, more practical.
- 天线的辐射方向图,包括二元边射、二元端射、多元边射、多元端射-Antenna radiation pattern includes a binary broadside, dibasic endfire, pluralistic broadside, pluralistic endfire
- 根据嘉临江水质的各项指标评价标准,通过一定的数学模型计算水质的水质等级。-According to jia each index of river water quality uation standard, by a certain mathematical model for calculation of the water quality of water quality grade.
- 该算法实现了基本的PSO算法,适合于初学者进行学习以及深入的改进-The algorithm realizes the basic PSO algorithm, suitable for beginners to learn as well as the depth of improvement
- 该算法实现了基本的人工神经网络SOM模型,适合初学者可在其基础上进行相应的拓展-The algorithm realizes the basic artificial neural network SOM model, which is suitable for beginners to expand on the basis of the corresponding
- bp算法的c语言实现,运用了自适应—动量因子方法,仅供参考。-bp algorithm c language, the use of adaptive- momentum factor method for reference purposes only.
- 不相关LDA算法,可以用来进行人脸识别,文件中包括相关论文、代码、工具箱,很实用-Irrelevant LDA algorithm, can be used for face recognition, document include the relevant papers, code, toolbox, very practical
- 布谷鸟与BP神经网络的结合 预测 预测效果很好 只需要换数据 就可以使用 -The cuckoo and the BP neural network combination forecast forecast effect is very good just need to change the data can be used
- TSP问题,是一个多局部最优的最优化问题:有n个城市,一个推销员要从其中某一个城市出发,唯一走遍所有的城市,再回到他出发的城市,求最短的路线。-TSP, is more than one local optimum optimization problem: There are n cities, where a salesman one city starting only traveled all the cities, and then returned to his departure
- 通过对样本的学习训练,不断调整权值,一直进行到网络输出的误差减少到可接受的程度,或进行到预先设定的学习次数为止-Based on a sample of learning and training, and constantly adjust the weights, the network output is performed until the error is reduced to an acceptable level, or to pre-set number of times un