- 单片机应用成语 能不能用你自己猜 猜猜看游戏(ni naid nid kjfksdf a dheool)
- 是GoogLeNet在placesCNN205数据集里迭代模型,用于识别物体或fine tune自己的网络模型(This model is made by GoogLeNet and it has been in s steady accuracy in placesCNN205 dataset. This object can be used in struct detections or fine tune your own network.)
- 机器学习算法原理与编程实践,书中含有每个编程实践的源代码。(Machine learning algorithms and practices)
- This paper presents neural networks based approach for estimation of the control and operating parameters of Statcom used for improving voltage profile in a power system, which is emerging as a major problem in the day-to-day operation of stresse
- 基于java语言实现的kmeans聚类算法,还是很靠谱的(kmeans cluster realize based on java)
genetic algorithm
- 用遗传算法求解TSP问题,包含选择,交叉,变异算子。迭代效率较高(The genetic algorithm is used to solve the TSP problem, including selection, crossover and mutation operators. The iterative efficiency is higher)
- 实现聚类,预测数据,在教育行业十分有帮助(The basic idea of KMeans algorithm is that the initial random given K cluster centers, according to the nearest neighbor principle, the sample points are divided into different clusters. Then, the centroid of each cluster is comp
Machine Learning
- 机器学习经典书籍,Tom M. Mitchell所著。详细介绍了包括ANN,Bayesian学习等在内的机器学习的方法(Machine learning classic books, Tom, M., Mitchell by. The method of machine learning including ANN, Bayesian learning and so on is introduced in detail)
- 遗传算法求解简单的约束条件,算法简单,容易理解,成勋后面有标注(The constraint conditions of simple genetic algorithm, the algorithm is simple and easy to understand, behind the sung hoon has marked)
- 机器学习,人工智能,是一个学习人工智能的好学习资料。建议下载(Machine learning, artificial intelligence, is a good learning material for learning artificial intelligence. Suggest Download)
- 遗传算法是计算数学中用于解决最佳化的搜索算法,是进化算法的一种。进化算法最初是借鉴了进化生物学中的一些现象而发展起来的,这些现象包括遗传、突变、自然选择以及杂交等。遗传算法通常实现方式为一种计算机模拟。对于一个最优化问题,一定数量的候选解(称为个体)的抽象表示(称为染色体)的种群向更好的解进化。传统上,解用二进制表示(即0和1的串),但也可以用其他表示方法。进化从完全随机个体的种群开始,之后一代一代发生。在每一代中,整个种群的适应度被评价,从当前种群中随机地选择多个个体(基于它们的适应度),通过
- 经典的分类算法,可以完成基本的分类。。。(Classic classification algorithm, you can complete the basic classification...)