- Random forest matlab source codes-Random forest Matlab source codes
- IBM实验室提供的数据集生成器源码,可以数据挖掘中经常使用的关联规则数据集。-IBM laboratory data sets provided by the generator source, Data mining can be used in the association rules data sets.
- 最小二乘支持向量机岭回归函数,可以进行预测和分类-least squares support vector machine regression function Ridge, forecasts and classification
- 基于模糊神经网络的模糊规则获取方法.NH,一片硕士论文-based on fuzzy neural network access methods fuzzy rules. NH, a master's thesis
- 蚁群算法(ant colony optimization, ACO),又称蚂蚁算法,是一种用来在图中寻找优化路径的机率型技术。它由Marco Dorigo于1992年在他的博士论文中引入,其灵感来源于蚂蚁在寻找食物过程中发现路径的行为-ant colony algorithm (ant colony optimization, ACO). also known as the ant algorithm is a map to find the optimal path of probabilit
- 这里面包含两个文件,可以实现主成分分析(PCA)算法和线性判别分析(LDA)算法。不过还需要CMatrix类的定义。-which contained two documents, can be achieved principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithm. But also need CMatrix class definition.
- 机会约束的多层规划求解模型及程序代码,人工智能的进化应用于不确定环境-chance constraints planning for the multi-model and program code, the evolution of artificial intelligence applied to an uncertain environment
- 相关机会约束规划求解模型及程序代码,不确定环境下优化问题的求解-related opportunities constraint programming to solve the model and program code, uncertain environment for the optimization problem
- RoboCup 2D 仿真组老牌强队Mersad 2005的完整源代码,Mersad-5.9.5 (RoboCup 2005) , Allameh Helli High School (NODET) , Islamic Republic of IRAN-RoboCup 2D Simulation Group Mersad 2005 veteran strong teams complete source code, Mersad - 5.9.5 (RoboCup 2005), Allam
- 一个人工智能的国际象棋游戏,用VC写的,完全采用的win32 API,而没有用MFC。英文介绍为:The Genius is a chess engine that uses AI techniques to play against humans。-an artificial intelligence international chess game, with VC written entirely using the win32 API, not using MFC. English in
- 一个由Mike Gashler完成的机器学习方面的includes neural net, naive bayesian classifier, decision tree, KNN, a genetic algorithm, and some manifold learning algorithms. -by Mike Gashler a complete machine learning includes the neur al net, naive bayesian classifier.
- OpenPollution is an open distributed system based on CORBA providing air-pollution measurement, data mining and image processing. It uses C++ and Java languages. and supports heterogenous systems such as Linux, Windows, and Windows CE.