- 用差分算法对在线惯序极限学习机的输入权值和偏置进行优化(本程序只限激励函数为sig),其学习时间比极限学习机分批进行学习总共的时间有所提升,诊断精度也提高了。-Algorithm using differential input weights and the bias line Extreme Learning Machine sequencer used to optimize (this program only excitation function for sig), its lear
- 重力四子棋程序,通过人工智能中的alpha-beta剪枝实现,AI的实力至少高于一般人的水平,人比较难下赢。通过调用getPoint函数获得下一个落子点的坐标-Gravity four chess program, through the realization of artificial intelligence in the alpha-beta pruning, the strength of AI at least a greater than average level, people
- 自组织映射网络测试实例:实现不同学习法则下的样本点分类图解,适用于SOMF入门学习者-Self organization mapping
- 利用逻辑回归实现二分类的matlab程序。随机生成训练样本,利用梯度下降法进行训练,并且在样本图上画出了分类边界。-Logistic regression for binary classification matlab procedures. Randomly generated training samples, the training using the gradient descent method, and is shown in Figure on the sample class
- 读取轴承全寿命周期中的每组数据,并对其进行多域特征提取,包括时域和频域特征提取,用于轴承性能退化评估的研究很有用,自己亲手调试成功-Read bearing the full life cycle of each set of data, and extract its multi-domain characteristics, including time domain and frequency domain feature extraction for bearing performanc
- 对轴承振动信号进行滤波和包络频谱分析,可通过包络谱发现轴承故障,也可用于其他故障诊断的研究,程序已调试通过-Bearing vibration signal filtering and envelope spectrum analysis, bearing failure can be found through the envelope spectrum can also be used to study other troubleshooting procedures have been d
- 这是基本的果蝇优化算法,简单高效,非常适合初学者使用。-This optimization algorithm is a basic flies, simple and efficient, very suitable for beginners to use.
- 是matlab的代码,关于yann Lecun在89年提出的cnn的原型,这个代码成功应用于欧洲很多国家的手写支票识别-Is matlab code on cnn yann Lecun prototype made in 1989, this code successfully applied to handwriting recognition check many European countries
- 这是matlab的代码,将cnn进行三次池化的代码,可以作为学习卷积神经网络的入门例子-This is a matlab code that will perform three pooled cnn code can be used as a convolution neural network learning introductory example
- 获取nao机器人全身各个部位的关节名称,并且以矩阵的形式输出-Get nao robot joints name in various parts of the body, and the output in the form of a matrix
- 这是一个实现强化学习的代码,可以解决山地车问题。解压文件,运行main.m可以出现一个带有按钮的窗口。-This is a matlab code for reinforcement learning for solving the mountain car problem. Untar the file and run the main.m file, then it brings up a window with all the displays and buttons.
- 交大六号六子棋源代码,是2011年的版本也是对外公开的最新版本适合参加智能大赛的队伍进行参考。-JIDAODA NUMBER SIX