- DCGAN实现高质量图像生成与分类,并增强了系统的稳定性与准确度(DCGAN enables high-quality image generation and classification, and enhances system stability and accuracy)
- PYTHON开发,Python基础和核心资料(PYTHON development, Python foundation and core information)
- 这是机器学习里面的强化学习的重要资料,主要介绍了强化学习的基本理论及实验和分析-This is inside the machine learning reinforcement learning important information, which mainly describes the basic theory of reinforcement learning and experimental and analytical
- cudnn 5.0 匹配cuda7.5,安装GPU支持的深度学习的伙伴用得着。这是cudnn的版本5.0,可以配合Cuda7.5使用。(Cudnn 5 matches cuda7.5, and it is useful for GPU to support deep learning partners. This is the version 5 of cudnn, which can be used in conjunction with Cuda7.5.)
- 小游戏的AI包括贪吃蛇等 各类实现简单的小游戏(Small game AI, including snakes and other types of simple games)
- 由Hiton 的大* 略微改写的RBM代码-the original code of RBM coded by a student of Professor Hiton
Machine learning an algorithmic perspective
- 机器学习(Machine Learning, ML)是一门多领域交叉学科,涉及概率论、统计学、逼近论、凸分析、算法复杂度理论等多门学科。专门研究计算机怎样模拟或实现人类的学习行为,以获取新的知识或技能,重新组织已有的知识结构使之不断改善自身的性能(Machine learning (Machine Learning ML) is an interdisciplinary subject, involving probability and statistics, approximation th
- 遗传算法解中国45城市旅行商问题,主要是通过在VS2010中使用遗传算法解决中国45城市旅行商问题-Genetic Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem China' s 45 cities, mainly through the use of genetic algorithms in the VS2010 solution to China 45 cities traveling salesman problem
- boost_1_47算法包,包括各种实用的图论算法等等。more specific to its use for documenting the Boost C++ libraries-boost_1_47 algorithm package, including a variety of practical graph algorithms, and so on. more specific to its use for documenting the Boost C++ libraries
- matlab 举例应用,里面含有对遗传算法的代码 -matlab example application, which contains the code of genetic algorithm
- 北航机器学习研究生课程课件,由帝国理工的大牛老师讲授。-BUAA machine learning graduate courses courseware, taught by professor graduated Imperial college .
- 《模式识别与智能计算》介绍了各种模式识别的方法,并以数字识别为例对各种算法进行了描述与实现。 文件中还有该书的光盘文件-" Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Computing" describes a variety of pattern recognition, and digital identification, for example the various algorithms are described and imple