- RC500读卡程序
- DMoody En este diagrama se encuentran varias curvas de rugosidad relativa constante para determinar el factor de friccion de fanning en funcion del numero de reynolds utilizando la ecuacion de colebrook resuelta por el metodo del punto fijo. la funcion fanning2 calcula el factor de friccion con tan solo ingresar la rugosidad relativa y el numero de reynols. Para generar el diagrama se debe terner la funcion fanning2.
- SilvToolTip 一个silverlihgt的SilverlightToolTip美化的实例
- ex3 卡耐基梅隆大学SSD5教程exam3源码
- vbbrowsersrc 一个VB技术编写的网页浏览器源码
- 6897755 包含demo
- 这个代码是github上tensorflow版本的DCGAN(This code is the tensorflow version of DCGAN on GitHub)
- CSC算法的神经网络算法和训练样本,包含测试程序test.py还有训练程序train.py
- 数字雨的算法实现。一种高效的算法,智能算法的基础扩展-Digital rain the algorithm
- 是GoogLeNet在placesCNN205数据集里迭代模型,用于识别物体或fine tune自己的网络模型(This model is made by GoogLeNet and it has been in s steady accuracy in placesCNN205 dataset. This object can be used in struct detections or fine tune your own network.)
算法导论 中文版 第3版.pdf
- 算法导论,用于了解算法知识,进一步加强编程能力的好书(good book to give us a sense of algorithm)
- GoogleNet 卷积神经网络 图片分类 分类精度高 网络结构深(GoogleNet convolution neural network image classification, high classification accuracy, network structure is deep)
- 推荐初学者阅读,对人工智能有兴趣的也行,对于一些有基础的,也可以查漏补缺(Artificial intelligence)
- 基于元胞自动机实现密集人群流动模型,用于大型社会活动风险踩踏评估。(A dense crowd flow model based on cellular automata is applied to risk stampede assessment for large-scale social activities.)
- 神经网络与matlab2007 实现,是一本书的电子版-Neural network with matlab2007, the electronic version of a book
- 本书详细讲解了神经网络理论,以及在工具箱中的实现,仅供学习交流,如果喜欢,请购买正版。(This book explains in detail the neural network theory, as well as the implementation of the toolbox, only for learning exchanges, if you like, please buy genuine.)
- 统计学习书籍和代码,非常非常好的资料,你可以下载的学习。(Machine learning actual supporting code, very very good information, you can download the learning.)
- 一本机器学习入门资料,卡内基梅隆大学,作者Tom M . Mitchell(A machine learning primer)