- 趋势型EA,回撤值娇小,能够稳定盈利,带有止损(Trend EA, the withdrawal value is small, stable profit, with stop loss)
- rsi指标穿越顶底预警参数可以自由设置,我一直在用,比较好用(RSI crossing the top and bottom warning parameters can be set freely)
Fibo Dynamic Channel外汇交易系统
- 该交易系统包含顺势指标(Woodie CCCI),波动新表提示表,动态斐波那契通道等技术指标。该交易系统主要适用于长周期上的趋势突破和趋势反转行情。(The trading system includes technical indicators such as Woodie CCCI, new volatility table prompt table and dynamic Fibonacci channel. The trading system is mainly applicable
Schaff Strategy外汇交易系统
- 该交易系统包含移动平均线MA组合,超级未来函数预测信号组合,复合型MACD&趋势指标等技术指标。该交易系统适用于波动交易,趋势交易,趋势反弹等不同的行情(The trading system includes MA combination of moving average, prediction signal combination of super future function, composite MACD-trend index and other technical indi
Advanced RSX Strategy外汇交易系统
- 该交易系统包含交易信号指标,RSX指标,CFB自适应RSX指标等技术指标。该交易系统主要适用于趋势行情中的独立小波段。(The trading system includes transaction signal indicators, RSX indicators, CFB adaptive RSX indicators and other technical indicators. The trading system is mainly applicable to independent
- 股票,软件 公式和指标,再用来选股,辅助逃顶止损,适合新手上路(Stock, software formula and indicators, and then used to stock selection, auxiliary top run stop loss, suitable for novice on the road)
- VPS环境修改工具,可以修改成佳达或者乾坤环境。(VPS environment modification tool can be modified to Jiada or Qiankun environment.)
- 本EA属于趋势策略EA,中短线策略为中小趋势,中长线策略为大趋势,两个策略分别采用了不同的止盈及移动止损参数。 本EA整体属于中长线EA,不适合刷单,在行情调整期会出现几天不开单的情况,中长线单会经历较长的波动过程,所以使用本EA首先要有足够的耐心。(This EA belongs to trend strategy EA, medium and short-term strategy is medium and small trend, medium and long-term strateg
- MT4双线四色MACD,应用于MT4交易软件,自带背离预警,有划线提示(MT4 double line four color MACD, applied to MT4 trading software, with deviation warning and marking promp)
fx vortex
- forex trading system protocol v23
- 马丁配置文件,相关内容请测试后先模拟交易,风险自负(Martin configuration file, please test the relevant content and simulate the transaction first, at your own risk)