EA Fast Profit
- forex ea profit-making profit
- 套利ea非常好的ea 源码可以自改。 建议下载试试谢谢(good One tracking software, one transmitter and one receiver. Let's try it. Good)
No Sleep EA-v3.2.ex4
- No Sleep EA It can work on any demo or live account for unlimited period of time. It also can be back-tested, even I'm not back test believer. Forward test is the best of course. I made 20% in 15 days with only 6.5% DD on EURUSD ... Can work on any
- ASSAR-V8,很出名的一款EA,测试完美,但实盘因为点差原因不理想,大家可以借鉴(Assar-v8, a famous EA, has a perfect test, but the actual offer is not ideal due to the point difference. You can learn from it)
- MT4编程手册高清图文版 MT4编程手册技术大全,很全面很周到也很详细,是你提高的绝佳读本。 非图片压缩版,高清图文版,短小精悍!(MT4 programming manual HD graphic version MT4 programming manual is a comprehensive, thoughtful and detailed book for you to improve. Non image compression version, high-definition g
- 这是一个MT4外汇交易指标系统,当然这个系统不是我原创,我蛤上觉得还行。((This is a MT4 foreign exchange trading index system, of course, this system is not my original, I think it's OK on clam.))
- 三指标共振实战运用说明: 1,三指标共振信号,是结合量价分析为前提的,所以这个指标首先是要配合MACD指标操作。请熟悉我宝箱中所发的九种炒股图形风格。.图形一,跟图形八这两种图形要很熟才行。一看到就要想到几成仓位介入了。要介入在低点。就得有比别人更有先见之明。 2,运用三指标共振选出信号后,要结合移动平均线,再就是要配合KDJ指标操作,请配合实战宝箱中的KDJ指标操作。股票波段周期有3到7天的,有1到两个月的,引入指标后在指标出现信号后,首先关注其趋势,上涨趋势在5日线上的附近可以大胆介入,在
fama-french three factors
- 利用中国A股数据实现Fama-French三因子模型,stata代码(Using Chinese A-share data to realize Fama French three factor model, Stata code)
- 利用Python进行量化投资详细教程,从Python基础知识到经典量化投资策略与量化模型。(Use Python for a detailed tutorial on quantitative investment, from Python basic knowledge to classic quantitative investment strategies and models.)
- Donchian通道(唐奇安通道指标)是用于交易突破的最古老、最简单的技术指标之一。一般来说,唐奇安通道的宽度越宽,市场波动就越大,而唐奇安通道越窄,市场波动性也就越小。此外,价格走势可以穿过布林带,但你看不到唐奇安通道的这种特征,因为其波段正在测量特定时期的最高价和最低价。(Donchian channel is one of the oldest and simplest technical indicators for trading breakthrough. Generally spe
- 一款以趋势判断开仓的交易黄金的源码,使用方式可以联系我(A source code for trading gold opened by trend judgment. Please contact me for usage)
- 大智慧L2波段公式,是波段公式的极品,愿有缘者得之。(he great wisdom L2 band formula is the best of band formula, which is expected to be obtained by those with good luck.)