- int13技术文档,供对磁盘直接读取编程使用-int13 technical documentation for the right disk read directly using programming
- 本文是美国麻省理工大学人工智能研究生的一篇介绍如何更有效地展开学习的文章-this is the University of Massachusetts graduate of an AI on how to carry out more effective learning article
- 简单的 Discrete Event Simulator M/M/K/K queue 含Readme。 可在此基础上开发复杂的仿真程序 请用 tar -xzvf sim.tar.gz 解压 -simple Discrete Event Simulator M / K / K queu e-readme. In this complex development on the basis of the simulation program please use the tar-xz
- PHPRPC 是一个工作于 Internet 之上的远程过程调用(RPC)协议。该协议具有安全、快速、低负载、功能强大、简单易用等特点。-PHPRPC is a work in the above Internet Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol. That agreement is safe, fast, low load, powerful, easy-to-use features.
- xajax PHP Class Library The easiest way to develop asynchronous Ajax applications with PHP 21jack是用xajax使用的21点游戏-xajax PHP Class Library The easiest way to d evelop asynchronous applications with Ajax PH P 21jack is xajax the game 21:00
- moo.fx.js provides controls to modify Height, Width, and Opacity with builtin checks that won t let a user break the effect with multiple crazy clicks. moo.fx depends on prototype.lite.js OR the full prototype.js -moo.fx.js provides controls to m
- Dojo is a portable Javascr ipt toolkit for web application developers and Javascr ipt professionals. Dojo solves real-world problems by providing powerful abstractions and solid, tested implementations.-Alternatives is a portable Javascr ipt tool
- These are two classes which should allow you to create and read information from HLSW Database files. Versions 1-5 should be supported, but only 4/5 have actually been tested.-These are two classes which should allow yo u to create and read inf
- 功能列表 - 理论上可以上传无限大的文件 - 实时显示上传状态、进度 - 支持多文件上传以及与表单混合上传 - 方便的用户调用接口 - 兼容不同浏览器 - ... 注意: 1. UPU需要php4.3.0及其以上版本,并打开socket扩展 2. upu/temp为上传临时文件存放目录, upu/files为文件存放目录,这两个目录可以在 upu.class.php中指定。 3. 你的<form>中要有enctype=\"mu
- VRMap 2.X 产品系列是北京灵图软件技术有限公司拥有完全自主知识版权的核心技术国际领先的三维地理信息系统平台软件,可以在三维地理信息系统与虚拟现实领域提供从底层引擎到专业应用的全面解决方案,其海量数据处理能力、高级仿真效果、跨平台通信、数据库驱动、二次开发支持等关键技术指标均全面领先于国内外其他同类产品。与国内外同类产品相比,VRMap能够为政府部门、企业、专业领域用户提供性能更优、持有与维护成本更低、扩展性更好的三维地理信息和虚拟现实应用解决方案,是\"数字城市\"建设最佳的基础软件平台
- G.723.1标准在TMS320VC5402上的实现.nh-G.723.1 standards in TMS320VC5402 realized. Nh
- 基于DSP技术的保密通信方案设计.nh 很好的东东哦 -based on DSP technology confidential communications program design. Nh Oh good Dongdong