- 网络新型企业网站管理系统(绿色)是专业为个人和企业网站建设开发的智能程序。该方案基于ASP + ACCESS开发环境,网站具有完善的前台和后台智能管理功能,完全由后台操作(如添加,修改网站基本信息,产品,商业新闻等)为个人和商业智能网站建设首选(Network new business website management system (green) is an intelligent program developed by professionals for personal and bu
- 投票选择的认证系统以定制开发的投票和投票行业,健康列表,多选开关,动态IP反刷,cc反注,IP自动检测,时间反注,自动反锁IP,cookie反注释(Vote selection authentication system with custom developed voting and voting industry, health list, multiple selection switch, dynamic IP back brush, CC backnote, IP automatic
- 微信公众营销平台源码,仿制乐享或PigCMS,整体框架是破解版或是二次开发的(WeChat public marketing platform source code, imitation music enjoyment or PigCMS, the overall framework is cracked version or the two development.)
- ShopEx商店系统完全免费,免费下载、免费使用、免费升级,绝无使用时间或者功能限制。ShopEx基于免费开源但却性能卓越的Lamp(Linux+Apache+Mysql+Php)架构(The ShopEx store system is completely free, free download, free use and free upgrade. There is no time limit or function limitation. ShopEx is based on free,
- MCMS是一款手机、电脑PC建站一体化、支持移动办公的内容管理系统。多级权限管理自由设置,精确到用户组和用户权限;内置会员管理、友情链接、正文内链、广告管理、推荐位、独立专题、评论管理、资源管理、搜索词管理、数据库备份还原、在线编辑调整模板等丰富功能。(MCMS is a mobile phone, computer PC station integration, supporting mobile office content management system. The multilevel
- 楼中楼是一个基于phpwind9(PW9)二次开发的类贴吧交流系统,在PW9优秀特性的基础上进一步优化,去除鸡肋的功能,人性化核心功能。楼中楼适用于以兴趣话题凝聚用户的网站,属于轻社交网站。(The building is based on phpwind9 (PW9) two times development of the class bar exchange system, on the basis of the excellent features of PW9, further opt
3 Java实验3 宋广辉 201616010113
- HAUT计科JAVA实验3,英文说明是为了凑够二十个字,不要随意相信。(HAUT JAVA 3, English instructions are to get enough twenty words, do not believe it at will.)
Micro guest interactive system
- 通过使用Java的编程语言连接MySQL数据库实现一个简单的微客互动系统,实现老师与同学之间的信息交流(By using Java programming language to connect MySQL database, a simple micro guest interaction system is implemented to achieve communication between teachers and classmates.)
- 实现java购物网站功能,可以执行付款之类的操作(Realizing the function of Java shopping website)
- java 深度学习源码,有需要的可以下载(Java-Deep-Learning-Essentials-master)
- bootstrap框架下的基于jquery实现的分页效果(Paging function under the bootstrap framework)
- StartBBS(起点开源社区系统)是一个基于CI MVC架构开发的新型php社区系统,她轻量小巧, 简单易用,强大高效的开源论坛系统。又简称”SB(烧饼)”。(StartBBS (starting source community system) is a new PHP community system based on the CI MVC architecture. She has a small, simple, easy to use, powerful and efficient