- 君子兰图霸(搞笑版)是一款集文字、图片、视频自助发布于一体的互动、娱乐、搞笑平台,主题随帖有顶、踩、评的全部功能。(It is a platform of interactive, entertaining and funny. The theme is full of functions of top, step and comment.)
- 162100网址导航,绿色快捷,包含各种方便实用功能,是您设为上网主页的最好选择。(162100 web site navigation, green and fast, including all kinds of convenient and practical functions, is the best choice for you to set up the Internet home page.)
- UWA是基于PHP和MySQL开发的通用建站系统,程序简洁、灵活而具备强大的扩展性。(UWA is a general establishment system based on PHP and MySQL. Its program is concise and flexible, and has strong expansibility.)
- 仿QQ样式的按钮控件(包括获取焦点时的虚框显示)(Imitation QQ style button control (including input focus gridlines display))
- ThinkOX定位:弥补OneThink对前台支持的不足,增加通用模块,让OneThink更能适合快速构建需要用户中心的应用。(ThinkOX positioning: make up for the lack of OneThink support for the front desk, increase the general module, and make OneThink more suitable for fast building user center applications.
- 阳阳CMS(YYCMS)是完全开源的一套CMS内容管理系统,使用简单,轻松建站。 企业建站、个人博客、个性网站的首选。(CMS (YYCMS) is a completely open source CMS content management system. It is simple and easy to build. It is the first choice for enterprises to build stations, personal blogs and personal
- 天空网络电影系统(简称SKYUC)是一个采用 PHP语言和MYSQL数据库构建的高效影院解决方案。(The sky network movie system (SKYUC) is an efficient cinema solution constructed by PHP language and MYSQL database.)
- iWebShop基于iweb SI框架开发,在获得iweb SI技术平台库支持的条件下,iWebShop可以轻松满足用户量级百万至千万级的大型电子商务网站的性能要求。(IWebShop is based on the iWeb SI framework, and with the support of the iWeb SI technology platform library, iWebShop can easily meet the performance requirements of
- bootstrap框架下实现的侧边栏隐藏功能(Side sidebar hiding functions implemented in the bootstrap framework)
- 这款wordpress主题的版面,确实十分的大气,十分适合个人博客、音乐博客、状态分享类网站使用(From the layout of the WordPress theme, it is really very atmospheric, and is very suitable for personal blog, music blog, and state sharing website.)
- FineCMS v1(简称v1)是一款基于PHP+MySql开发的内容管理系统,采用MVC设计模式实现业务逻辑与表现层的适当分离,使网页设计师能够轻松设计出理想的模板(FineCMS V1 (V1) is a content management system based on PHP+MySql development. It adopts the MVC design pattern to separate the business logic from the presentation l
- 飞飞PHP影视系统(PPVOD)是一套专为不同需求的站长而设计的视频点播系统,用PHP+MYSQL架构(Feifei PHP video system (PPVOD) is a set of specially designed for the different needs of the owners of VOD system and design, use PHP+MYSQL architecture)