- RockOA是一款开源OA办公系统,让每个企业都有属于自己的OA办公系统。 RockOA办公系统是适用于中小型企业的通用型协同OA管理软件,融合了长期从事管理软件开发的丰富经验与先进技术,该系统采用领先的B/S(浏览器/服务器)操作方式,使得网络办公不受地域限制。(RockOA is an open source OA office system, so that every business has its own OA office system. The RockOA office s
- 有天轻论坛是一款新生论坛,主要目标是实现轻(体积小,数据优化高)、快(加载速度快)、简(方便操作,易扩展),目前测试阶段,对个人非盈利性用户免费开放,作者保留一切权利。(Day light forum is a new forum, the main goal is to achieve light (small size, high data optimization), fast (fast loading speed), simple (easy to operate, easy to e
- 易通企业网站系统 别名CmsEasy 是国内唯一免费微信+手机端+微网站+手机短信+在线销售+多语言网站组合的企业营销管理平台,易通企业网站系统也称易通企业网站程序,是易通公司开发中国首套免费提供企业网站模板的营销型企业网站管理系统,系统前台生成html、完全符合SEO、同时有在线客服、潜在客户跟踪、便捷企业网站模板制作、搜索引擎推广等功能的企业网站系统。(CmsEasy is the only free WeChat + mobile terminal + mobile phone + mob
- Gxlcms有新的声音可以被收集来丰富自己的网站内容,目前Gxlcms一直是免费提供给大家开一个很酷的收听到网络资源站提供免费采集节点。(Gxlcms has new sounds that can be collected to enrich its website content, and Gxlcms is now free to offer you a cool listening to network resource station to provide free collectio
- Wecenter(微中心系统软件)是一款协同编辑,可以评价,可以快递分类和定位,建立符合企业和组织需求的结构化知识库。(Wecenter (micro - center system software) is a collaborative editor, which can be evaluated, express classification and location, and build a structured knowledge base that meets the needs o
- 个人建立网上教育网站源码网站系统,网上教学,网上学校管理,点播等功能的云视频。(Individuals build online educational website source code, website system, online teaching, online school management, on-demand video and other functions of cloud and video.)
- Edusoho是帮助机构和个人建立网上教育网站源码网站系统,网上教学,网上学校管理,点播等功能的云视频。(Edusoho is a cloud video that helps organizations and individuals build online education website, website system, online teaching, online school management, on-demand and other functions.)
- UWA 2.X是如斯(AsThis)基于 PHP 和 MySQL 开发的通用建站系统,程序简洁、灵活而具备强大的扩展性,他将是您轻松建站的首选利器。 特点: [核] PFA干净,优雅的高质量的代码具有很高的通用性和可扩展性。 [模型简介]自定义模型文件,丰富的网站,易于扩展内容和二次开发。(UWA 2.X is a common build system based on PHP and MySQL, which is based on PHP and MySQL. The program
- MDPHP是结合了国内外主流php框架的优点而产生的新型框架系统。(MDPHP is a new framework system which combines the advantages of mainstream PHP frameworks both at home and abroad.)
- weiphp是一个开源,高效,简洁的微信开发平台,它是基于oneThink这个简单而强大的内容管理框架实现的。 weiphp的目的是最大化的简化微信开发的流程,使用开发者能把最好的精力放到微信具体业务开发,并能以最快的时间完成。把一些常规而频繁的工作交由weiphp来处理即可。(Weiphp is an open source, efficient and concise platform for WeChat development. It is based on oneThink's si
- OElove主要为满足企业及个人创业者对婚恋交友类网站的自定义快速搭建需求,OELove交友网站系统基于PHP+Mysql开发的一套专业级本地化运营的婚恋、主题类交友系统,拥有交友、婚恋、微博、互动、心理测试等基础功能(OElove is mainly to meet the customer-defined fast building requirements of the business and individual entrepreneurs on dating websites. Th
tiny heart 完成
- 大鱼喂小鱼吃东西的游戏,它是一款H5小游戏(Big fish feed small fish to eat,A H5 game)