- CKFinder是一个易于使用的Ajax文件管理器。提供文件夹树形结构(Folders tree)导航菜单,多语言支持(自动探测用),支持创建/重命名/删除文件和文件夹,集成FCKeditor在线编辑器。软件共包含了42种不同类型的语言,其中就有中文的简体和繁体两种类型。(CKFinder is an easy to use Ajax file manager. Provide the Folders tree navigation menu, multilingual support (aut
- MetInfo企业建站系统是一个完美实现了"电脑网站+手机网站+微信公众号"三位网络入口为一体的企业网站管理系统。利用一个后台,就能够便捷的管理电脑网站、手机网站、微信公众号,信息内容都可以一致同步推送。(The MetInfo enterprise site system is a perfect website management system that integrates the three network portals of "computer web
- Xiuno BBS是一款国产、小巧、稳定、支持在大数据量下仍然保持高负载能力的轻型论坛。(Xiuno BBS is a homemade, compact, stable, light supporting forum that still maintains high load capacity under large data volume.)
- 箭头动画风车式过渡的满屏焦点图,兼容主流浏览器(Arrow, animation windmill transition full screen focus map, compatible with mainstream browsers.)
- HadSky轻论坛是一款对非营利性个人用户免费开放的论坛系统,基于原创的puyuetianPHP轻框架开发设计,涵盖基本论坛功能,可扩展插件和自定义论坛模板,HadSky轻论坛实现了程序体积小、加载速度快、操作方便(HadSky light forum is a free and open forum system for non profit individual users. Based on original puyuetianPHP light framework development
- PHP微信公众号接口开发在线调试工具可以随时随地进行微信公众号接口调试,也可以让更多的新手了解微信接口通信过程。(PHP WeChat public interface development online debugging tools can be done anytime and anywhere to debug the WeChat public interface, and can also allow more novice to understand the WeChat int
- jQuery横向图片焦点图滚动效果,标题有打字机效果,兼容主流浏览器(JQuery horizontal picture focus map rolling effect, title has typewriter effect, compatible with mainstream browsers.)
- iCMS 是一套采用 PHP 和 MySQL 构建的高效简洁的内容管理系统,为您的网站提供一个完美的开源解决方案。(ICMS is an efficient and concise content management system built by PHP and MySQL. It provides a perfect open source solution for your website.)
- Destoon(B2B网站系统)使用当前流行的PHP语言开发,以MySQL为数据库,采用B/S架构,MVC模式开发。融入了模型化、模板、缓存、AJAX、SEO等前沿技术。与同类产品相比,系统功能更加强大、使用更加简单、运行更加稳定、安全性更强,效率更高,用户体验更好。系统开源发布,便于二次开发、功能整合、个性修改。(Destoon (B2B website system) is developed by the current popular PHP language, taking MySQL
- jQuery橙色右侧抽屉式在线客服代码,含返回顶部,电话,QQ客服,微信二维码,兼容主流浏览器(JQuery orange right drawer online customer service code, including return to the top, telephone, QQ customer service, WeChat two-dimensional code, compatible with mainstream browsers.)
- Ueditor是由百度web前端研发部开发所见即所得的编辑器,具有轻量,可定制,注重用户体验等特点。Ueditor基于BSD开源协议(Ueditor is a WYSIWYG editor developed by Baidu web front-end research and development department. It has lightweight, customizable, user experience and so on. Ueditor based on BSD ope
- Z-BlogPHP是一款简单,快速,高效的PHP博客程序。 Z-BlogPHP 有着丰富和强大的可定制性,做为CMS系统使用,Z-BlogPHP可以更方便的管理和扩展您的网站。(Z-BlogPHP is a simple, fast and efficient PHP blogger. Z-BlogPHP is rich and powerful customizable, and can be used as CMS system. Z-BlogPHP can manage and expan