- 主要介绍ssm框架的搭建流程和搭建过程中需要的包(Introduces the process of building the ssm framework and the packages needed during the construction process)
- Biaocms米表管理系统是以asp+access进开发的asp域名管理系统。(Biaocms meter management system is a ASP domain name management system developed by asp+access.)
- 非零坊留言本(带微信留言板)是以asp+access进行开发的asp留言板系统。(The non zero room message book (with WeChat message board) is a ASP message board system developed by asp+access.)
- 基于bootstrap、Javascr ipt/jquery、ssm实现用户的登陆功能(Implement user login functions based on bootstrap, Javascr ipt/jquery, and ssm)
- 家政服务类公司网站源码使用aspcms内核,数据库是access,不过程序在aspcms上做了很多二次开发,包括一些bug的修复,安全漏洞的修补,功能的拓展等,网站模板也针对搜索引擎做了很多结构上的优化和内链的优化,对搜索引擎也比较友好。(Home source service company web site source code uses the aspcms kernel, the database is access, but the program has done a lot of
- 中英双语营销型网站是以asp+access进行开发的中英双语企业网站源码。(Chinese English bilingual marketing website is developed by asp+access, which is the source of Chinese and English bilingual website.)
- 网络工作室源码6.0,可以生成静态,符合优化。整体以白色灰色为主。(Network studio source code 6, can generate static, consistent with optimization. The whole is mainly white gray.)
- 网趣购物系统静态版支持网站一键静态生成,采用动态进度条模式生成静态,生成过程更加清晰明确,商品管理上增加淘宝数据包导入功能,与淘宝数据同步更新(The static version of the net interest shopping system supports the static generation of one key in the website, the dynamic progress bar mode is used to generate static, the gen
- 个性化导航是一个原创精致美观的"个性化导航"网站源码-简约版本A1-3.0.动态(带后台ASP+ACCESS)与静态(无后台)双版本.可换肤带4大系列20套背景.(Personalized navigation is an original and elegant "personalized navigation" site source code - the simplified version of A1-3.0. dynamic (with the background
- Flash网站之家X系列采用选取模块任意组合的方式来完成建站,每个模块均有几十种样式可以选择。(The X family of Flash website is built by any combination of selected modules. Each module has dozens of styles to choose from.)
- 谜语及答案大全最新收集了2万条谜语,前台使用清新蓝绿风格列表。 后台可以进行添加、修改和删除等简单的管理操作。(There are 20 thousand riddles in the riddles and answers. The front desk uses fresh, blue and green style lists. Background can be added, modified, deleted and other simple management operatio
- 中国龙古典风格Flash网站,手机版网站,强大的后台功能,所有模块均可单次或多次添加到导航栏,数据库防下载(Chinese dragon classic style Flash website, mobile version website, powerful backstage function, all modules can be added to the navigation bar single or multiple times, and database is downloaded