- BingSNS供销源码定位在供销模式,强调的是供销流程,辅助销售的功能有满就减、满就送、满就折、满就邮、满就送、限时抢购、砍价、一元夺宝(云购)、优惠买单(当面付)、摇一摇抽奖。(BingSNS supply and marketing source location in the supply and marketing mode, emphasis is the supply and marketing process, the function of the auxiliary sales
- ZYCH自由策划婚纱摄影网站管理系统由自由策划网络工作室设计开发的一套全新用于婚纱摄影行业的网站系统,(ZYCH is planning a new website system for wedding photography industry, which is designed by the free planning network studio.)
- Folk是一个轻量、便携,同时又很强大且可高度定制的内容发布平台。其中,node版本支持sqlite(推荐)和mysql两种数据库,而asp版本则同时支持access、mssql、mysql和sqlite四种数据库。这两个版本的核心代码完全相同,因此对应的主题和插件也可以做到同时兼容。(Folk is a lightweight, portable, powerful and highly customized content publishing platform. Among them, n
- 在线考试系统采用asp+access进行开发,整个软件操作简单便于管理。(Online examination system is developed by asp+access. The whole software is easy to operate and easy to manage.)
- 企业网站管理系统内建了大量Seo支持策略和工具,全站静态地址,静态内容,纯文本导航系统.(Enterprise website management system built a lot of Seo support policies and tools, static address, static content, pure text navigation system.)
- asp+txt成绩查询系统采用简单的asp+txt进行开发,软件极为简单却是个非常通用、非常方便的成绩查询系统,通用于几乎所有Excel单二维数据表查询。(Asp+txt performance query system is developed with simple asp+txt. The software is very simple but is a very common and very convenient performance query system, which is c
- 进销存产品库存管理系统完全基于 WEB 的综合应用解决方案, 真正的 B/S 模式, 使用asp开发, 不需任何安装, 只需一个浏览器(The inventory management system is completely based on the WEB integrated application solution, the real B/S mode, the ASP development, without any installation, only one browser)
- 大航海时代游戏交互系统是一个使用 Asp + Access进行开发的大航海时代网页版游戏,其中AJAX部分比较多~(The game interaction system in the Great Voyage age is a large sailing age web version game developed by Asp + Access, of which AJAX has many parts.)
- asp+txt 维修点快递进度查询系统是以asp进行开发的快递进度查询系统。(Asp+txt maintenance point express schedule inquiry system is a courier schedule query system developed by ASP.)
- web网上图书销售管理系统,一个全套的源码,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。
- 在学习过程中努力找到的资料,分量给大家,日记本项目(Jsp journal system 7. The information that you try to find in the learning process, the components are given to you.)
- Jsp日记本系统4 在学习过程中努力找到的资料,分量给大家([www.java1234.com]Jsp journal system 4. The information that you try to find in the learning process, the components are given to you.)