- 校无忧学校网站系统是一套中、小学通用的学校网站管理系统,采用适合学校的专用网站模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。现有学校概况、校园快讯、教学教研、德育长廊、教育法规、教师风采、学生乐园、互动平台、联系方式等栏目……(The school website system is a set of common school website management system in middle and primary schools, and uses a special website templa
- 仿牛商营销型网站源码是完全免费开源的,源码是asp+access的,(The source code of the marketing website is totally free and open source. The source code is asp+access.)
- ASP伪静态大师适用与任何ASP网站,可使用任意字符串作为连接的后缀名,也可直接将连接加密,有利益网站的优化和推广,有利于防注入攻击等,傻瓜式配置,不懂ASP的也可轻松配置出你想要的后缀名伪静态。(ASP pseudo static master for any ASP web site, can use any string as the connection of the suffix name, also directly to the connection encryption, the
- 7384手机号码归属地查询系统是一款基于asp+txt手机号码归属地查询系统,asp+ajax用户体验很好的。(7384, the mobile phone number location query system is a query system based on asp+txt mobile phone number, asp+ajax user experience is very good.)
- 云交易晒单系统是一个为云交易制作的晒单系统,可以通过简单的修改得到云交易的交易界面。(The Cloud Trading sunburn system is a drying system for cloud transactions, which can be easily modified to get the transaction interface of cloud transactions.)
- 新成内容管理系统(以下简称NewCms),NewCms是目前国内稳定的企业网站、个人博客建设解决方案之一,基于 asp + access/mssql 的技术开发,全部源码开放。(The new content management system (hereinafter referred to as NewCms), NewCms is one of the domestic stable enterprise websites and individual blog construction
- SDCMS企业版主要包含:文章、单图、商品、招聘、下载、单页、外链、定时发布、手机版、自定义字段、自定义表单等模块,系统内置评论,留言,心情,搜索,标签,7年企业网站建设经验为您精心打造,是您快速建立中小营销型企业网站的良好选择。(SDCMS Enterprise Edition mainly includes: article, single chart, commodity, recruitment, downloading, single page, outside chain, timi
- 阿赛无组件单文件上传系统是一个以asp进行开发的简单上传插件。 功能简述: 上传文件到指定文件夹 对上传文件类型、大小限制 按原始文件名上传文件 重命名文件上传 指定文件名上传(Arcelor no components single file upload system is a simple upload plug-in developed by ASP. Functional descr iption: Uploading files to the specified fo
- 阿赛网站系统(门户版&企业版 二合一)EESai是一套含文章、产品、下载、图片、媒体、会员、订单、论坛等于一身的专业网站系统。(The EESai is a set of professional website system including articles, products, downloads, pictures, media, members, orders, and forums.)
- OK3W图片系统是一个以asp+access进行开发的asp图片管理系统。(The OK3W picture system is a ASP image management system developed by asp+access.)
- plupload(php+ASP版)在原有的plupload-2.1.9批量上传文件只有PHP语言上增加了ASP功能,适用于ASP批量上传文件,并显示了上传后的路径。(Plupload (php+ASP version) uploads files in the original plupload-2.1.9 batch only by adding the ASP function on the PHP language. It is suitable for ASP batch upload
- 中药养生产品古色古香系列网站源码是一套asp+access开发的企业网站,界面整体风格是那种古色古香的风格,(Traditional Chinese medicine health products antique website source is a set of asp+access development business website, the overall style of the interface is the old style.)