- 免费友情链接网自动收录是一个以asp+access进行收录的友情链接网站。(Free link network automatic collection is a link website that is collected by asp+access.)
- 露珠CMS是一个以文章类、下载类、图片类、动画类、视频类为主的综合网站。(Dew CMS is a comprehensive website mainly based on articles, downloads, pictures, animations and videos.)
- CwCMS创文企业网站管理系统是一套专门为企业网站订制的ASP+Access/MsSql的程序,系统小巧,仅900KB,采用原创模板引挚解析,全站静态生成,程序与模板分离,全自动安装,支持Access和MsSql两种数据库。(CwCMS creation enterprise website management system is a set of specially designed for the enterprise website ASP+Access/MsSql program, t
- 创文地方门户管理系统集 新闻资讯、分类信息、招聘求职、商家黄页、交流论坛等功能于一体的综合性地方门户程序(A comprehensive local portal which integrates the functions of news information, classified information, recruitment, job hunting, yellow page, exchange forum and so on.)
- 西部数码域名虚拟主机分销管理系统简单易用通过API接口与上级服务商通信。(The Western digital domain virtual host distribution management system is simple and easy to use, and communicates with the superior service providers through the API interface.)
- 嵩嵩评选投票系统2017是一个以asp+access进行开发的asp投票系统源码。开源系统。(selection and voting system is a ASP voting system source developed by asp access Open source system)
- 深山旅行社网站管理系统采用asp+access数据结构,使用方便,无需安装,放到服务器空间即可使用。 功能介绍:网站基本设置,修改管理员密码,新闻资讯管理网站公告,旅游新闻,旅游景点,管理旅游景点,酒店宾馆管理,酒店介绍,旅游线路,管理旅游常识,出行指南,租车提示,美食介绍。(The website management system of Shenzhen travel agency adopts asp+access data structure. It is easy to use, n
- XYCMS幼儿园建站系统是以asp+access进行开发的幼儿园网站系统。(XYCMS kindergarten station system is a kindergarten website system developed by asp+access.)
- 千博免费开源网上商城购物系统是一套能够适合不同类型商品、超强灵活的多功能在线商店系统(Thousand free, open source online shopping mall system is a set of multi-function online store system that can be applied to different types of goods and super flexible.)
- XYCMS企业代理商验证查询程序系统是一个以asp+access进行开发的代理商认证系统。(XYCMS enterprise agent verification query system is an agent authentication system developed by asp+access.)
- ZMCMS全功能多语言版是一个简单的asp企业管理系统,追梦企业网站管理系统(zmcms)是 由追梦工作室基于asp+access/mssql 自主研发而成。(ZMCMS full function multi language version is a simple ASP enterprise management system, the dream enterprise website management system (zmcms) is based on the dream stud
- 校无忧录取查询系统是一套学校为方便考生通过网络更快速直接的了解录取信息的查询系统。(The school free worry admission inquiry system is a set of inquiry system for the school to facilitate the examinees to understand the enrollment information more quickly and directly through the Internet.)