- Destoon B2B网站管理系统是一套完善的B2B(电子商务)行业门户解决方案。系统基于PHP+MySQL开发,采用B/S架构,模板与程序分离,源码开放。模型化的开发思路,可扩展或删除任何功能;创新的缓存技术与数据库设计,可负载千万级别数据容量及访问。(Destoon B2B website management system is a complete B2B (e-commerce) industry portal solution. The system is based on PHP+
- shopNR开源商城系统包括PC、WAP、APP、微信小程序全套应用。集成了【自动抓取淘宝京东苏宁的商品的接口】,【小票打印机】、【短信验证】等等。(ShopNR open source mall system includes PC, WAP, APP and WeChat applet. It integrated the interface of Taobao's Jingdong Suning products, such as small ticket printer, SMS ver
- 优淘TAE系统完美兼容淘宝百川TAE2.0和普通外站环境,支持积分兑换,值得买,邀请会员,分享,wap等功能。 优淘TAE系统 php淘宝客程序 阿里百川开源CMS 免费淘宝客网站(The excellent TAE system is perfectly compatible with Taobao's TAE2.0 and general external station environment. It supports integral exchange, and is wor
- 一种新型的淘宝客程序,后台配置天猫店铺地址即可全自动智能转换自动采集,程序使用环境 php5.2 - php7 最好安装伪静态(A new Taobao guest program, the background configuration of Tmall store address can automatically intelligent conversion of automatic acquisition, program use environment php5.2 - php7
- 在线虚拟售卡是一个带免签约支付功能的在线售卡源码。附带免签约支付宝接口。(Online virtual sale card is an online sale card source with the function of free signing contract. With the contract free Alipay interface.)
- Monxin全网通商城系统包含了PC商城+手机商城+微信商城+线下收银,会员/订单/商品/库存 线上线下全网数据实时同步。 应用场景:连锁便利店/传统超市/厂商自营商城/行业商城平台/同城网购平台/线下收银/进销存... 主流硬件轻松对接:云打印机、收银机、电子称,条码枪。。。(Monxin full network business city system includes the PC mall + mobile phone mall + WeChat mall + offline co
- bootstrap admin管理后台,可以快速用于制作网站管理后台,新闻网站,电商网站前端页面。(Bootstrap admin management background can be used for making website management background, news website, and front page of e-commerce website quickly.)
- ShopsN免费B2C电子商城采用Thinkphp3.2.3为核心开发,适合PHP5.5-5.6。数据库建议Mysql5.5-5.6(PDO连接方式)以上。ShopsN属于重量级电商系统,自身附带大量常用功能模块(ShopsN free B2C electronic mall takes Thinkphp3.2.3 as the core development, and is suitable for PHP5.5-5.6. Database is recommended for Mysql5
- opencart2.1中文版是在英文版2.1.0.2基础上修改衍生而来,严格遵循OC的mvc架构,根据国内用户习惯进行了大量的修改工作(未修改内核)。(The Chinese version of opencart2.1 is derived from the English version of, strictly following the MVC architecture of OC, and has made a great deal of modification (w
- RhaPHP 是一款免费开源的微信公众号管理营销系统!也是一款微信公众号开发框架。简洁,灵活,快速易开发,应用模块化,支持移动端管理微信公众号。基于 THINKPHP5,简单的代码即可实现微信公众号通信与接口实现(RhaPHP is a free open source WeChat public number management and marketing system. It is also a development framework for the WeChat public. It
- 飞蛙微分销商城系统(FeiWa WeiShop)是一款面向单店铺多用户微商城分销系统,基于目前最流行的WEB2.0的架构,使用php+mysql开发框架,系统全面导入整合最流行的三级分销机制。 是一款企业级B2C单店铺多用户的微商城分销管理系统(The FeiWa WeiShop of the flying frog is a single store and multi user micro business city distribution system. Based on the mo
- WSTShop电子商务系统是一款基于PHP+MySQL开发的单商家电子商务系统,主要包括基础管理,文章管理,系统管理,会员管理,商品管理,地区管理,订单管理,支付管理,运营管理,财务管理等功能,(WSTShop electronic commerce system is a single merchant e-commerce system based on PHP+MySQL development. It mainly includes basic management, article m