- Video Tracker Version 0.0.1 \"Visual tracking and recognition using appearance-adaptive models in particle filters\" (IEEE transactions on Image Processing, Nov 2004) by Shaohua Zhou, Rama Chellappa and Baback Moghaddam. -Video Tracker Version 0.0.
- In this paper we propose to reduce the textural components by modelling the coefficients of a wedgelet based regression tree instead of the original pixel intensities-In this paper we propose to reduce the textu the acidic components by modelin
- ActiveModels contains a Matlab toolset and examples for training and fitting AAMs (Active Appearance Models). Please refer to the code and included examples for its function. You must have an annotated database to use its features.
- 我自己学习ASM AAM的时候写的一个文档,非常适合初学者参考 我综合了ASM创始人的几篇论文写的,如果对ASM和AAM方法不是很清楚可以参考,要是有什么不对的欢迎指正-ASM AAM
- 最新的ACE-5.7版 ACE自适配通信系统是可自由使用,开放源码的面向对象框架,它实现许多用于并发通信软件的可信模式。ACE提供了一组丰富的可重用C++包装外观和框架组建,可跨多种平台完成通用的通信软件任务。-The latest ACE-5.7 version ACE Adaptive Communication System is free to use, open source object-oriented framework, it implements many conc
- Extraction of MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameters with Active Appearance Models关于aam不错的学习文章-Extraction of MPEG-4 FacialAnimation Parameters withActive Appearance Models on AAM good learning article
- 提出一种人体运动跟踪算法,从无关节标记的单目视频中获取人体运动1 利用一个带外观模板的人体关节 模型,通过学习得到的运动模型及基于外观模型的相似性计算,巧妙地利用粒子滤波的概率密度传播策略鲁棒地跟 踪普通单目视频中的人体运动1 当出现跟踪丢失时,能在后续序列中自动恢复正确跟踪,且能较好地处理遮挡和自 遮挡问题1 实验表明,该算法鲁棒性好,跟踪结果令人满意- In this paper , a novel approach is proposed for t racking marke
- 基于AAM的人脸模型的训练,并可以实现人脸的拟合,在opencv基础上开发。-AAM(Active Appearance Models)source code。It is developped under OpenCV 1.0 for locating facial features。
- active appearance models 主外观模型 ac tive appearance models 主外观模型-active appearance models model the main appearance of the main appearance of active appearance models model active appearance models model the main exterior
- this code in matlab for applying active shape models and active appearance models to detect the features of hand-this code in matlab for applying active shape models and active appearance models to detect the features of hand
- Level-Set人体分割和跟踪 多区域外观模型和自上而下的形状信息分割-Level-Set Person Segmentation and Tracking with Multi-Region Appearance Models and Top-Down Shape Information
- ABSTRACT The generation of overall wrinkles on garment surfaces can be achieved by either introducing accurate cloth models with full collision response or by providing geometric wrinkle functions. Small wrinkles such as rippled appearance al
- AAM Active appearance models for face images. There are two procedures that are aam modeling and aam fitting.
- 单片机DS18B20测温功能模块 DS18B20数字温度传感器接线方便,封装成后可应用于多种场合,如管道式,螺纹式,磁铁吸附式,不锈钢封装式,型号多种多样,有LTM8877,LTM8874等等。主要根据应用场合的不同而改变其外观。封装后的DS18B20可用于电缆沟测温,高炉水循环测温,锅炉测温,机房测温,农业大棚测温,洁净室测温,*库测温等各种非极限温度场合。耐磨耐碰,体积小,使用方便,封装形式多样,适用于各种狭小空间设备数字测温和控制领域。.-DS18B20 digital temperat
- a novel algorithm for fast tracking of generic objects in videos. The algorithm uses two components: a detector that makes use of the generalised Hough transform with pixel-based descr iptors, and a probabilistic segmentation method based on global m
- Conventional approaches to render a scene require geometric descr iption such as polygonal meshes, etc and appearance descr iptions such as lights and material properties. To render high quality images such descr iptions, we require very accurat