- OttLib套件使用说明: 1、OttEnter控件:该控件主要实现在窗口中按回车键跳转到下一控件的功能;该控件是非可视控件,Enable属性设置为True时控件生效(回车跳转到下一控件)。 2、OttDBGrid控件:该控件主要用于配合ottEdit,ottDBEdit控件进行显示数据,实际使用中无需对其进行设置,主要也就调整大小即可,显示大小也可在ottEdit,ottDBEdit控件上进行设置,在实际使用中一个窗体中共用一个就行。 3、OttEdit控件:该控件主要用于录入关联
- 动态环境下基于势场原理的避障方法 提出了一种新颖的控制方案,即采用神经网络预测控制器来控制机器人的力/位置.这种控 制器能任意逼近机器人这种不确定对象,不用知道系统的精确结构,同时由于预测控制的加入,使系 统在线计算方便,控制质量提高了-Dynamic environment based on the principle of potential field obstacle avoidance method A novel control scheme, namely,
- 人耳边缘检测的源程序,通过建立高斯金字塔确定人耳外轮廓,希望能对大家有帮助-Ear edge detection source, through the establishment of Gaussian pyramid outside the outline of the human ear to identify the hope that it can help you
- 将势力场算法用于人脸识别提取的过程中,能够高效精确的进行人脸识别-Force field will be used for face recognition algorithm for the process of extraction, to efficiently carry out accurate face recognition
- 分析了现有船舶自动避碰系统的不足,提出了基于人工势场法的船舶自动避碰系统. 根据 船舶的操纵特性,建立了引力场和斥力场函数,实现船舶自动避碰航行的合力和方向. 在电子海图 所建立的仿真环境中,验证了人工势场法可用于船舶自动避碰系统中.-Analysis of existing ships lack of automatic collision avoidance system is proposed based on artificial potential field method a
- 人工势力场法对自主移动机器人进行路径规划,规划的结果还不错啊-Artificial force field method for autonomous mobile robot path planning, planning is not the result Cuoa
- 基于力场分布的图像处理源程序。包括基于力场的图像分割、边缘检测等。-Distribution of image processing based on force field source. Include force field-based image segmentation, edge detection.
- 用opengl编写的,模拟声光,力场,碰撞的程序-Prepared using opengl, simulation sound and light, force field, the collision process
- 用于描述图形周围GVF力场分布图,必须有前置的GVF源码,这个代码才能发挥作用-GVF force field used to describe the graphics around the map, must have front of the GVF source, this code can play a role
- This Monte Carlo simulation in the field following a variety of particles guided by the force of the efficiency of the procedure-This is Monte Carlo simulation in the field following a variety of particles guided by the force of the efficiency of the
- path planning from start point to goal point using virtual force field
- 用于超声仿真的matlab,用于仿真B超,声辐射力,血流成像-For ultrasound simulation matlab, for simulation B ultrasound, acoustic radiation force, flow imaging
- 数据结构人工智能领域特别给力的算法演示,很适合初学者的使用,真实好用,特别给力-Special data structure to the force field of artificial intelligence algorithms books, it is suitable to use for beginners, real nice, especially to the force
- 磁场力的ANSYS计算程序,能够显示磁感应强度B分布和给出磁场力的计算结果。-Magnetic field analysis by using ANSYS. It can show the distribution of the magnetic induction B, and give the result of magnetic field strength.
- 蒙特卡洛方法模拟正弦力场下的随机行走,内涵16807产生器程序,误差函数计算程序,模拟的结果与理论计算符合的很好。-Monte Carlo simulation of random walk under sinusoidal force field, connotation 16807 program generated error function calculation program, the simulation results in good agreement with theore
- 弹性半空间集中应力产生的位移场,在地震学中表示应力对地表的作用变化。-Concentrated stress elastic half-space displacement field generated showing stress to changes in surface seismology.
- 正弦外力场下粒子的随机行走。本程序含有一维和二维正弦外力场下的随机行走情况,程序生成粒子的轨迹-Random walk of particles under sinusoidal external force field. This program contains one and two dimensional sinusoidal force field under the random walk, the program generates the trajectory of partic
- Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) snake is one kind of active contours - curves that can move within images to find the boundaries of objects. 3D active contours are also known as deformable models. GVF snake begins with calculating the GVF force field over
- OpenGL为API的质点系统,有模拟的重力场、向心力场还有个火焰模型。并且又风力场的接口,希望有人可以完善(OpenGL is a particle system of API, with simulated gravity field, centripetal force field, and a flame model. And the wind field interface, I hope someone can improve)
- 利用matlab对卢瑟福散射进行仿真。但是因为电子质量很小,而且a粒子和电子的碰撞近似为完全弹性碰撞(因为这种碰撞能量很小,不会发生能级间的跃迁),根据动量守恒和能量守恒可以知道,a粒子速度几乎不变,对实验的结果影响很小。电子如果被撞到的话,估计就会被撞飞了吧,也可能被a粒子或者靶中其他失去电子的阳离子俘获.利用平方反比有心力场中的第三运动积分—Runge-Lenz矢量,简化处理了卢瑟福散射、氢原子的量子化和氢原子园轨道的相对论修正问题.(221/5000 Matlab is used t