- 这是一个基于COM的数据库访问技术,采用 OLE_DB来封装,高速访问各种数据库接口, 比ADO ODBC_API速度更快,效率更高。强烈 推荐- This based on the COM database visit technology, uses OLE_DB to seal, high speed visits each kind of database interface, compared to ADO ODBC_API speed quicker, the efficienc
- eWebEditor是eWebSoft.com旗下eWeb团队开发的基于网页的在线文本编辑器。她能够在网页上实现许多桌面编辑软件(如:Word)所具有的强大可视编辑功能;她是一个真正的绿色软件,不需要在计算机上安装任何的客户端软件;并且她是完全开放源代码的,允许你在任何地方免费使用。 将原来的ACCESS+JSP的架构改成XML+BEAN+JSP的架构,在保持原来的功能的基础上,速度也快多了。-eWebEditor is eWebSoft.com under eWeb team developm
- 查找文件的vc程序、短小精悍、让你了解vc的风格、学习vc他让我们程序更快-find documents vc procedures, small and let you know vc style, learning vc he lets us quicker process
- 模型飞机测控平台是用delphi编写的串口操作软件,源码中涉及到GPS数据接收,多线程等编程方法,对于串口编程的朋友们大有帮助,实际案例学习比看书快多了。-model aircraft monitoring platform is prepared by using delphi Serial operating software, the source code relating to the GPS data reception, multi-threading programming, s
- 本软件是用delphi编写的小区或停车场收费系统,是一个完整的案例,系统中涉及IC卡发卡机串口操作和数据库编程,对于串口编程的朋友们大有帮助,实际案例学习比看书快多了。(用户名as无密码)。-the software is prepared by the district delphi or parking fees system is a complete case, the system involved in IC cards for serial operation and databa
- The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statistics algorithm AS 274 (see comments at the start of the module). A planar-rotation algorithm is used to update the QR- factorization. This makes it
- 寻最小支配集,用DP,复杂度是2^8 比2^150次方快多了-find the smallest dominating set with the DP, complexity is 2 ^ 2 ^ than eight 150-th power much quicker
- 简单的演示,N的大小可以改变的,而且这个程序的速度还可以, 比以前我用递归写的那个快多了.如果N改得太大输出会有问题, 因为我用到gotoxy的,这个程序主要是练一个算法-simple demonstration, N size can be changed, but the rate of this procedure can also, than in the past I used to write a recursive that quicker. If N is too big
- 经过两天的奋战,终于在borlandc3.1上实现了ucos操作系统在pc上的单步运行调试,期间得到了众多网友留下的文字的帮助,我也决定将我的努力成果上载。 注意将software解压到c盘根目录下,并且将borlandc3.1安装在d盘borlandc目录下,进入C:\\software\\UCOS-II\\EX1_X86L目录下,运行bc.pif,就进入dos的borlandc程序,可以修改并单步调试程序。 这样学ucos应该快多了吧。-After two days of hard
- 仿音速启动增强管理程序.rar,能够收集系统的快捷方式并且进行分类的工具
- 快速排序是对冒泡排序的一种改进的排序方法,是目前各种内部排序方法中较快的方法-Quick Sort Bubble Sort is a sort of an improved method is to sort a variety of internal methods quicker method
- Threw history,prime numbers has always be a great fascination for mathematicians. Even in modern times,primes numbers continues to fascinate many people.Probably the main reason why prime numbers continues to create such great interest would be beca
- DirectX 游戏开发的一个小程序 能够使你更快了解DirectX-DirectX game development program will enable a quicker understanding of your DirectX
- The "binary search algorithm" is one of the quickest way for searching threw an array, the "linear search algorithm" makes "n" comparaisons for searching for an element inside a given array. The "binary search algorithm" only makes log2(n) comparaiso
- source insight中的工具,可以大大提高代码规范性,加开开发效率-source insight in the tools that can greatly enhance the normative code, additional development efficiency
- a class which allocates a string chunk and then uses memory copy methods to manipulate the data within the same string s memory. The result is a string class which can perform orders of magnitude quicker than the equivalent VB code.
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- VC++下多线程聊天程序示例,帮助你更快进入VC++下多线程程序的实现。-VC++ examples of multi-threaded chat program to help you quicker access to VC++ implementation of multi-threaded programs.
- 提出一种新的Hamilton阵列编码的设计方法。在不用求出整个Hamilton阵列编码前提下,根据码距和维数要求,直 接求出编码阵列中的某一具体的码元,预先构造出系数矩阵。和以往模型不同的是借助这个设计模型可以实现以任意顶点为起始点 的Hamilton阵列编码,从而使得构造整个Hamilton阵列编码更灵活、更快速-This paper proposes a new design method for Hamilton array codes.According to the hammi
- Marco是sourceinsight软件一个强大的功能,用户可以通过编写宏来实现自定义功能。这里有个比较流行的宏文件quicker.em,可以实现多行代码的注释。-Marco is a powerful software sourceinsight function, the user can write macros to implement custom functionality. There are more popular the macro file quicker.em, can