- A popular cookbook describing the Verilog language for the design of integrated circuits. Verilog is the alternative to VHDL and is the favoured HDL design language in the USA. It is easier (quicker) to learn than VHDL because it is not so tightly ty
- The Zoom-FFT is a process where an input signal is mixed down to baseband and then decimated, prior to passing it into a standard FFT. The advantage is for example that if you have a sample rate of 10 MHz and require at least 10Hz resolution over a s
- 为了给变频调速系统提供必要的设计参数,依据空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)基本原理,介绍了 异步电动机及 SVPWM 算法在 Matlab/Simulink 环境下的建模过程及基于矢量控制理论的变频调速系统动态 模型建立。详细地阐述了实现仿真的方法,并针对仿真中的关键问题及系统的仿真结果进行了分析。仿真结 果表明,采用该控制系统,电压及转矩波动小,转速响应迅速,系统的各项指标都满足电机实际运行特性要 求。其仿真算法对于实现数字化控制变频调速系统具有一定的价值。 -To pr
- Cadence软件使用的快捷键,使原理图制作更加快捷方便-Cadence software uses shortcuts schematic produced quicker and more convenient
- 如今很多的服务行业都要进行服务的反馈,以便更好的提高产品的质量和作出更好的服务,投票系统就是一个反馈信息的软件,通过它可以更好更快捷方便的反馈信息共服务商参考。因此开发一个能够供客户反馈信息的平台是很有必要的。-Many service industries should be carried out service feedback in order to better improve the quality of products and services to make better vo
- A hybrid fuzzy-PI controller for voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) transmission system is proposed in this paper. At first, the elementary model of VSCHVDC is described. Then the fuzzy self-tuning control strategy is proposed, in
- this file contains a project,which serves to perform fft quicker.
- 信息融合中的许多数据关联算法计算量大, 工程中难以保证实时性和有效性。本文就这一方面展开研究, 给出了可以满足工程实际需要的有效算法, 设计出相应的系统。通过实际系统应用, 可以获得满意的融合结果和较快的计算速度。-The comput ation quant ity of many data correlation algorithm is great in the information fusion. It is difficult to guarantee the computing s
- quicker.em for Sourceinsight4