建立了一级倒立摆的状态空间模型,并采用LQR实现了稳定控制。-establishment of an inverted pendulum of state space models, and the use of LQR achieve stability control.
matlab矩阵处理例程。A matrix processor, Matx_Proc() is developed which can be used
to process and edit matrices and state space models, and perform
various kind of matrix analysis in a visible way. -Matlab matrix handling routines. A matrix processor,
ReBEL is a Matlabtoolkit of functions and scr ipts, designed to
facilitate sequential Bayesian inference (estimation) in general state
space models. This software consolidates research on new methods for
recursive Bayesian estimation and Kalman
In this article, we present an overview of methods for sequential simulation from posterior distributions.
These methods are of particular interest in Bayesian filtering for discrete time dynamic models
that are typically nonlinear and non-Gaussi
ReBEL is a Matlab® toolkit of functions and scr ipts, designed to facilitate sequential Bayesian inference (estimation) in general state space models. This software consolidates research on new methods for recursive Bayesian estimation and Kalman
本文实现二级倒立摆数学模型的推导,状态空间描述以及状态反馈和状态观测器的实现!比较有无状态观测器对系统运动的影响!-This paper presents two mathematical models of the derivation of the inverted pendulum, the state-space representation, as well as state feedback and state observer to achieve! Comparison of a
转载:众所周知有限元解决振动问题的能力还是有限的, 比如做齿轮啮合过程的动力学模拟就要同时涉及到接触和动力反映两个主要方面. 目前处理此类问题最成熟的软件当属MSC.ADAMS, 但ADAMS也只能在模拟过程中做到弹性与刚性接触而已! 据我所知, 已不止两位研究生试图用LS-DYNA来做此类模拟, 他们忽略了(或没搞清楚) LS-DYNA只能处理瞬态问题, 而对于该过程的模拟也是*为力的!!! 结果是浪费了大量的时间, 甚至机会. 这本应是导师的责任, 但许多高龄导师对现代软件的不熟悉也是..
documentation for optimal filtering toolbox for mathematical software
package Matlab. The methods in the toolbox include Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter
and unscented Kalman filter for discrete time state space models. Also included in the
是MATLAB基础教程中的源程序-A matrix processor, Matx_Proc() is developed which can be used
to process and edit matrices and state space models, and perform
various kind of matrix analysis in a visible way. The graphical
user interface
基于sigma-point的卡尔曼滤波法,用于动态状态空间模型,包括UKF与CDKF,是国外的博士论文,文中给出了各算法的仿真代码-Based on sigma-point Kalman filtering for dynamic state space models, including the UKF and CDKF, the foreign doctoral dissertation, which gives the algorithm of the simulation code
状态模型的极大似然估计,使用EM算法,以及卡尔曼滤波。-This supplementary note discusses the maximum likelihood esti-mation of state space models using Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm and
bootstrap procedure for statistical inference. A Matlab program scr ipt impleme
Object MatLab implementation of the Robust Non-Linear Smoother (RNLS) for state-space models
Object MatLab implementation of the Robust Non-Linear Smoother (RNLS) for state-space models
Estimating State-Space models through Maximum Likelihood_matlab code
Subspace algorithm A method of estimating state-space models using LS techniques-Subspace algorithm
This paper is concerned with the minimum variance unbiased (MVU) finite impulse response (FIR)
filtering problem for linear system described by discrete time-variant state-space models. An MVU FIR
filter is derived by minimizing the variance the
消息传递算法用于信号处理的绝对经典之作,好好学习,天天向上-The message-passing approach to model-based
signal processing is developed with a focus on Gaussian
message passing in linear state-space models, which includes
recursive least squares, linear minimum-mean-squared-
State Space/ Kalman Filter Toolbox,Author: Marcelo Perlin / (PhD Student) / ICMA – Reading University,This toolbox was designed to simulate and fit linear state space models with the kalman
filter approach. The main literature I used for this parti
The modeling of basic DC-DC converters (buck, boost and buck-boost) using state-space representations for control uses. State-space representation is dependent on the derivative state variables, as well as the switching mode of the converter by its d
Time series analysis codes from the book Time series analysis with applications