- -PID controller has been extensively used in the industrial world. But in this controller it is difficult to tune the PID gains. We apply the genetic algorithm(GA) to tune the PID gains. The GA is an optimization algorithm using the biotic geneti
- 这里实现的是二阶斐波那契序列,如果需要,可以看看里面的方法,程序还是自己编的比较有收获-here is the realization of the second Fibonacci sequence, if necessary, they can look at the methods, procedures, or the provision of more gains
- When it comes to mobility, location based services and applications take precedence today as the business world is rushing towards mobility to gain the associated business gains. On the technology front, Microsoft has already made its presence very s
- 两靖rayleigh衰落信道仿真。This m-file uses successive iterations of data to create an animated = effect %showing the results of passing an unmodulated carrier through a simple = two %path Rayleigh fading channel. The following formula and diagram %i
- GINAS modules to enable the low-power wireless sensor networks measurement system. Available in 868/916 MHz, 433 MHz,
- E语言股票完整操作实例,可以分析涨幅,和现实K线图,还有日线图-E linguistic stocks examples of complete operations, gains can be analyzed, and the reality of K diagram, there are daily charts, etc.
- 获取OICQ当前用户保存在本地的密码的程序- Gains the OICQ current user preservation in the local password procedure
- 这是费尔防火墙的1.0版本的源代码,相当的不错,希望大家能从中获得一些收获-This is version 1.0 Fairbanks firewall source code, very good, I hope that everyone will get some gains
- c++图形化界面设计的很好的书,看了以后肯定收获不少~-c++ graphical interface designed to a very good book, after reading a lot of positive gains ~
- 可以对BMP文件进行分析,并获取图像的基本属性-May carry on the analysis to the BMP document, and gains the image essential attribute
- 本系统是根据企业的特点,集进、销、存、分析于一体,为企业量身定做的图书销售管理软件。在设计过程中最大限度满足用户的要求,因此,该系统具有较强的实用性和针对性。本系统界面友好,操作简单,可维护性强,功能完备。本论文介绍了图书销售管理信息系统开发的全过程,主要从管理思想、系统分析说明、系统设计说明、系统使用说明、技巧与体会等方面对本管理系统加以论述。前言部分指明了选题背景和开题意义;而后又详细介绍了系统的分析、系统的开发与设计说明等内容;最后给出了系统的使用说明和系统设计的心得体会。- This
- 一个图形库,主要嵌入了汇编,大提高了效率。-A graphics library, mainly embedded in the compilation of large efficiency gains.
- This multitasking system contains only task control logic - no semaphores, mailboxes, etc. Tasks are scheduled in a round-robin manner and are not preempted. Once it gains control, each task runs until it voluntarily blocks. It is up to the programm
- 一本好的C#视频书介绍的非常详细 收益匪浅 给大家共享下-A good c# book gains greatly from
- This program will attempt to cover everything you need to know to work with the Common Gateway Interface in C#, including reading the input of POSTs and GETs. Although this sounds like a lofty goal, CGI is actually quite easy to get into and gains mo
- 要求在带格式的连续的纸的相应位置,打印入数据库的数据: 本程序最具参考的地方应当是,解决了连续打印,垂直方向打印不准确的问题.连续打印垂直方向打印不准确的问题,在网上有太多的人为此烦恼.一是打印第一页的第一行就不准确,二是连续打印n张纸后,发现位置已经不准确了.本人查询了众多的资料后,采用了直接向打印机发送打印命令的方式,参考的是爱普生的编程指南(在爱普生官方网站上有得下),终于成功控制了垂直方向的打印位置.-Requires continuous form paper with
- 上数据结构时老师布置的上机编程作业,不仅学习了建立Huffman树,Huffman编码,而且对程序设计技巧方面也有一定的学习收获。-The data structure layout of the machine when the teacher programming operations, not only study the establishment of Huffman tree, Huffman coding, but also programming skills also hav
- 与时间作朋友.李笑来的励志书籍.非常不错的一本书.掌握一二,收益一生.-With time for friends. Lixiao to inspirational books. Very good book. Master or two, gains life.
- 股票盈亏计算器,是学习VB后自己练手用,实用价值不大,但做学习不错。-Calculator stock gains and losses, is his practice after learning VB hand, little practical value, but do quite well.
- Based on the idea to exploit the statistical dependencies from both temporal and inter-view reference pictures for motion compensated prediction, this paper presents a sys- tematic evaluation of multi-view video coding with opti- mized pred