- 一个用VC开发的图书馆管理系统,一定有得于学习.-a VC development of the library management system, we gains in learning.
- 这个文件时从TI公司内部资料,可以方便大家迅速的找到自己所需要的DAC和ADC,虽然不是我自己写的源码,不过我认为很收益-the document from TI internal information We can easily find their rapid needs DAC and ADC, although it is not my own writing source code, However, I think the gains
- Pre-designed and pre-verified hardware and software blocks can be combined on chips for many different applicationsVthey promise large productivity gains.-Pre-designed and pre-verified hardware a nd software blocks can be combined on chips for m an
- 本文介绍了一种基于复合右/左手(composite right/left-handed,CRLH)超材料的新型高增益的有源漏波天线(leaky-wave antenna,LWA)。这种天线工作在边射,由无源CRLH漏波部分与放大器相互连接,重新组成一种在辐射过程中逐步增大功率泄漏的结构,从而提高天线的有效口径进而提高其增益。通过放大器的准单向特性而导致的匹配再生功能,增益还可以进一步得到提高。-This paper presents a composite based on the right
- 无线传感器网络平台成品的电路原理图,相信对自己开发板子的朋友有所帮助
- 将tinyos程序烧写到GAINS上的方法,使用MICA2平台的朋友们基本上可以照搬哦!
- GINSmodules to enable the low-power wireless sensor networks measurement system. Available in 868/916 MHz, 433 MHz, GINS PROGRAME
Theory of a multimode semiconductor laser with optical feedback
- We discuss the derivation of multimode rate equations for the descr iption of a semiconductor laser with external cavity. We adopt a formulation where the complex field amplitudes are coupled to the nonlinear gains. For N lasing modes, this leads t
- H.264/AVC, the result of the collaboration between the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group and the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group, is the latest standard for video coding. The goals of this standardization effort were enhanced compression ef
- 关于java的学习心得,非常的有启发性,闲来无事的时候可以随便翻翻,会有想不到的收获哦!-Learning experiences on the java, very instructive,闲来无事time can be read, there will be unexpected gains Oh!
- 考研是很多大学生要考虑的问题,我上传一下我对自己考研中得失的看法。-Study section to consider is that many college students, I upload my own view of study section in the gains and losses.
- 可控程控滤波芯片,可实现0—40DB范围的增益可控,可通过引脚接法不同,实现不同的带宽。-The AD603 is a low noise, voltage-controlled amplifier for use in RF and IF AGC systems. It provides accurate, pin selectable gains of –11 dB to+31 dB with a bandwidth of 90 MHz or +9 dB to+51 dB wit
- 介绍超窄带FIR滤波器的设计,对设计窄带滤波器非常有帮助。-Abstract—The method of interpolated finite impulse response (IFIR) filter design is presented and applied to narrowband FIR filter design. Based on available literature, techniques for achieving optimal IFIR design
- 1 绪 论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2系统开发关键技术介绍 2 2 系统分析 3 2.1 用户工作流程 3 2.2 用户业务需求 3 3 系统设计 4 4.1 设计思想 4 4.2 系统功能结构图 4 4.3模块功能设计 4 4 系统数据库设计 5 4.1系统数据库的建立 5 4.2 系统E-R图 6 4.3 各个数据表的创建 7 4.4创建相关视图 9 4.5存储过程设计 9 4.6 数据库的连接 10 5系统实现 11
- SNAMP的GAINS结点的使用白皮书,与SNAMP是配套的-SNAMP the GAINS nodes using white paper, is complementary with the SNAMP
- To improve network spect ral efficiency , a network coding2aware met rics for wireless routing expected coding2aware t ransmission count ( ECTX) is proposed. In general , there are two steps in cod2 ing2aware routing communication : one is findin
- This paper studies the performance improvement for a sliding mode controller using fuzzy methods. By using fuzzy gain scheduling, sliding mode controller gains are tuned during its performance causing energy consumption to be decreased. F
- We investigate the performance of an uncoordinated 2 link MIMO interference channel as a function of the number of antennas and the average channel gains.
- PID controllers are probably the most commonly used controller structures in industry. They do, however, present some challenges to control and instrumentation engineers in the aspect of tuning of the gains required for stability and good transie
- 本人一直喜欢绿色软件,也曾琢磨过怎样去绿化一些软件。因而收集了一些教程,它们涉及 bat批处理、inf安装文件、DLL动态链接库以及注册表等知识。这些教程简单明了,相信您看完 后一定有很大收获。 -I have always liked green software, has been pondering how to green some of the software. Thus collected some tutorials, they involve bat batc