- First off, I tried to comment the code as much as possible to save you the pains I went through. These programs are pretty simple and are meant for demonstration purposes. As always, you should not put them into a production environment without full
- ASP站长助手 v4.0 功能增强版 站内文件在线管理功能,无组件上传功能,可操作MSSQL数据库和Access数据库。包括浏览数据和添加,删除,修改数据,建立数据表,修改数据库等,非select命令提供一个SQL输入框给大家输入SQL指令来执行-ASP Stationmaster the assistant v4.0 function enhancement version stands the document on-line management function, does not h
- ppWizard has created this TransparentWindow application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of wh
- This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your ShortCut
- This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your TimeLimit
- 一个小巧的分散控件,可以设定扇叶数和转速,用在界面上会用意想不到的效果- An exquisite disperser controls, may establish the fan blade number and the rotational speed, uses meets the effect on the contact surface which the intention could not think
不需要DocView的带 隔阂按钮的分割窗口界面框架
- 用VC 编写的不需要DocView的带 隔阂按钮的分割窗口界面框架-prepared by the VC not DocView estrangement with the buttons of a split window interface framework
Upgrade Sample - Form Closing and Save Changes
- 查檢子視窗沒有沒開過, 並存檔-search window-no not met, and archived
- 使用两个不同的源代码控制程序:Microsoft Visual Source Safe 和Rational ClearCase。它们都提供了Microsoft Visual Studio IDE的良好的接口,所以可在编辑文件时checkout/checkin文件。 Visual Studio没有提示你使用SCC,这个小工具可以显示注册,让你设置一个SCC作为缺省的SCC。- Uses two different sources codes control procedure: Microsoft
- CxxTester是一个用于C++代码的通用测试框。它支持测试库系统、有一套方法的对象文件、甚至单行C++源(即所有用C++接口的东西)。解释程序的前端使你能够在不需要重新编译代码的情况下修改和扩大测试。测试可以通过脚本成批执行或者在图表输出的支持下交互式执行。该工具使不同主机间的远距离测试成为可能。-CxxTester is one for C + + code universal test frame. It supports testing Library System, a set of
- 一个简单播放器的教学源码,希望可以供大家学习,未美化!-a simple player teaching source hope everyone can learn, not landscaping!
火车售票系统 (ADO+ACCESS)
- 我想真真正正的了解该系统的源代码,请你不要在这样了好吗?-I think the true understanding of the system's source code, you may not like this okay?
- 主要功能: 1、xpGrid数据控件:根据数据库数据字典定义自动生成DataGrid,可不用写代码即可实现数据的增删改 2、集成的权限控制功能,权限按字段分配,可精确控制字段的读写属性 3、丰富的数据编辑方式:提供按Form方式编辑和按Grid方式编辑两种方式数据编辑界面,对字段的输入方式提供:普通文本框、复选框、密码框、多行文本、下拉列表、引用其它表等多种输入方式 4、数据重构:动态的修改数据字典,通过对数据字典的修改可动态的控制前台界面的显示及输入 5、代码维护:维护下拉列表编辑模式对应的下
- 解决VB中不能加载控件(编译时提示,exe文件无问题)并提示许可证未找到,一般出现在精简版或安装其他软件造成vb6控件注册错误,vb5版本正常。 解压缩到任意文件夹,运行VBC6.EXE,系统会有如下提示:Enterprise Design Licenses Have Been Installed Successfully 接下来打开要用的源代码,运行一切OK。-Solve VB cannot load control (compiled exe file no hint,) and
- 屏蔽ESC或者Enter键关闭对话框!功能在!-Not Use ESC and Enter key to close dialog windows!
- 非矩形按钮 not rectangle shape button-not rectangle shape button
- 当运行程序时,不在任务栏上显示程序的窗体。-When you run the program, the program is not on the form taskbar.
- 文件监视器用C+编写,没有解压密码,是DOC文档案,-Monitor file written in C+, not unzip password, is a DOC file,
- 该代码,采用VB制作的,可以不用登陆QQ,就查询QQ的状态,有语音提示和消息框提示-This code, using VB, can need not landing QQ, will query the state of the QQ, have a voice and message box
- 图形窗体 本地邮件发送程序,无须登陆邮箱就可以实现邮件发送功能-Graphical form local mail sent procedures, do not need to log in email can realize email function