electromagnetic simulation using the FDTD method
- This book has one purpose only: to enable the reader or student to learn how to do three- dimensional electromagnetic simulation using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method It does not attempt to explain the theory of FDTD simulation in gre
- this is the hulk. I do not understand what you want from me
- this is the start of the code for edge detection
- 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
dtft matlab
- matlab and dtft.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct
- A Monte Carlo model of steady-state light transport in multi-layered tissue (mcml) and the corresponding convolution program (conv) have been coded in ANSI Standard C. The programs can therefore be executed on a variety of computers. Dynamic data
- 千年辅助挂机打怪下本 破解版 不咋会用 大家试试(Thousand year's assistant hangs up the computer to make a strange attack. It's not a good idea to use this cracked version)
- 最近和书中学习时频分析工具箱时,用书中原例练习,但结果提示:Be careful : the signal is not analytic!书中提供源代码如下