- 本文的内容针对MySQL 3.23.7alpla,实际上很多内容是通用的。另外,参考手册的几个附录也是很有价值的,但由于时间有限,未能译出,可参见原文。- This article content in view of MySQL 3.23.7alpla, very many contents is general in fact. Moreover, the reference manual several appendices also are very valuable, but be
- 经典的开发手册,内容有很多是未公开的技术,值得收藏!-classic development manual, as many are not open technology, it is worth collecting!
- CVS是目前比较流行与优秀的版本管理与控制工具,是用来管理其它日常文档(如word工作文档之类)的一个强有力的工具。 WinCVS是CVS的一个客户端软件,它运行在Windows上,采用图形化方式登陆CVS服务器和CVS相关的操作与管理,不要学习复杂的cvs命令。企业内部都采用Linux/Unix做服务器,用Windows做客户端,所以WinCVS与CVS服务器是目前应用最广泛的版本控制与管理的组合。-CVS is the more popular version with an excelle
- matlab的书 不容错过呵,兄弟们一起来看-Matlab the book should not be missed uh, the brothers come together
- 是一本好书,非常详细的讲解了C语言,并不仅仅是指针,可能是翻译有误。-books is a very detailed account of the C language, and not just target may be a translation error.
Delphi 7.0常用函数速查手册
- 函数由一句或多句代码组成,可以实现某个特定的功能。使用函数可以使代码更加易读、易懂,加快编程速度及减少重复代码。过程与函数类似,过程与函数最重要的区别在于,过程没有返回值,而函数能有返回值。 在Delphi 7.0中,已为我们定义好了非常多的函数,大致分类有6种:数据类型转换函数、字符串、数组操作函数、文件、磁盘操作函数、内存、指针操作函数、数学运算函数、日期函数。-function sentence by one or more code components, can achieve a
- 支持向量机的理论和应用,不过是英文的,不知道可不可以啊!不过很全面的,要看看啊!-SVM theory and application, but English is not possible to know ah! But it is comprehensive, to see ah!
- 同名书的书上示例代码。好像是新东方出的书,具体书不在身边,所以忘了。-namesake book on the sample code. The East seems to be the new, specific book is not around, so forgotten.
- 《delphi深度编程及其项目开发》,一本很好的书,是提高自己DELPHI水平的良师益友。里面同时还附了原码,很方便学习使用。大家看一下吧?决对不会让你失望的。-"delphi programming and depth of project development," a very good book, Delphi is to raise the level of their mentor. They also attached the original code is
- ch452的应用和方法,能过要它来做显示,这样不要用164芯片来,使得电路简单可靠.-ch452 applications and methods can lead to do it, do not use 164 chip, making the circuit is simple and reliable.
- 没有密码的,大家可以随便看啊,急求bcb的书籍阿-do not have the passwords, you can easily see ah, moreover books promptly A
C++Builder 实例入门
- C++Builder 实例入门,通过实际例子教你学习C++Builder ,理论与实践相结合,应该不会枯燥吧!得用超星阅览器才能看.-C Builder entry, through practical examples to teach you to learn C Builder, theory and practice, should not be boring! Starting Superstar reader can see.
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- 也许有人会说“无盘?现在谁还用无盘,那么慢”、“管理也不方便,太费事”、“安装太困难,一般人做不了”。实际上,无盘并不代表低速,而且利用一些专用软件,安装无盘工作站也非常容易。-Maybe somebody will say, "Who now using diskless diskless, then slowly", "management nor convenient, too cumbersome," and "too difficult
- Perl-5中文教程,Perl对于许多人来说可能不是很了解,现在也不流行,但学习它对编程的结构和思想是很有帮助的。-Perl-5 Chinese guides, Perl for many people may not know, nor popular, but its programming study of the structure and ideology is very helpful.
- 《大众软件》作为行业内的主流媒体,在报道产业发展、透析产业变化、研究产业方向等方面作出了巨大的贡献,《大众软件》电子版的推出,不仅迎合了读者的变化,也顺应了产业、时代的发展。-"public software" industry as the mainstream media, in reports on industrial development, dialysis industry changes, the direction of research to make a
- 《大众软件》作为行业内的主流媒体,在报道产业发展、透析产业变化、研究产业方向等方面作出了巨大的贡献,《大众软件》电子版的推出,不仅迎合了读者的变化,也顺应了产业、时代的发展。-"public software" industry as the mainstream media, in reports on industrial development, dialysis industry changes, the direction of research to make a
- 《大众软件》作为行业内的主流媒体,在报道产业发展、透析产业变化、研究产业方向等方面作出了巨大的贡献,《大众软件》电子版的推出,不仅迎合了读者的变化,也顺应了产业、时代的发展。-"public software" industry as the mainstream media, in reports on industrial development, dialysis industry changes, the direction of research to make a
- 《大众软件》作为行业内的主流媒体,在报道产业发展、透析产业变化、研究产业方向等方面作出了巨大的贡献,《大众软件》电子版的推出,不仅迎合了读者的变化,也顺应了产业、时代的发展。-"public software" industry as the mainstream media, in reports on industrial development, dialysis industry changes, the direction of research to make a
- 文件虽然不是很大,但是我觉得很有用,大家以后发表文章,投稿就有了方向,高质量的文章一定要发到这上面来-document, though not great, but I think very useful, since we published the article, the participation there will be a direction and quality of the article must be made to the top of this!
- 帮助VC的初学者了解向导生成程序的整体结构 Visual C++ 以其功能强大、用户界面友好而倍受程序员们的青睐。但是,在当前的Microsoft 基本类库4.2 版本中,大约有将近200 个类,数千个函数,加之Microsoft 公司隐藏了一些技术细节,使得人们深入学习MFC变得十分困难。 MFC的AppWizard可以生成三种类型的应用程序:基于对话框的应用、单文档应用(SDI)和多文档应用(MDI)。前两者的结构较简单,本文不再赘叙。笔者拟从MFC中的文档/视结构入手,分析一些函数