vxworks bsp(4510) for 2.2
- vxworks bsp for 4510 in tornato 2.2
- 1.支持全国所有省份固定电话、小灵通、中国移动手机,开通移动、电信、网通多个声讯热线号码。 2.真正傻瓜式支付接口,提供安装程序,只需简单设置即可使用。 3.设置商户密钥,支付信息加密传递,加强支付安全性,加密系统与其他银行卡在线支付兼容。 4.提供简单的定单管理系统,商户可随时了解支付情况。 5.168注册中心提供完善的后台管理系统,提供定单管理、定单统计、财务管理、用户资料修改、商户密钥设置、推荐用户及技术支持等功能。 6.提交支付信息时可保存两个自定义字段,可
- 在c语言中应用鼠标的驱动程序,简单,体现了一种方法。-c language in the application of the mouse driver, simple, embodied a method.
- // DLL example program (1) to demonstrate Thread Local Storage (TLS). // This DLL implements the two classes CSetter and CGeneral // // CSetter is used to set up the static text string, delete it, change it and display // its content
Test Link List
- It's a very simple test of demostrating how to process the link list in VC
Widnows Task List
- List current-running task in Windows
- 音效卡频谱分析,示波器,带有很多的使用功能,能实时捕捉和显示震幅很小的波形-Sound card spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, with the use of many functions in real-time capture and display a small amplitude waveform
PESdecode 例子程序
- PES decoder for MS-DOS. PES decoder source code written in C++ from: http://www.pjdaniel.org.uk/mpeg/
TS decode 例子程序
- TS decoder for MS-DOS. TS decoder source code written in C++ from: http://www.pjdaniel.org.uk/mpeg/
- 屏幕截取是大家比较感兴趣的事情,虽然现在有不少应用程序,如HYPERSNAP等,可以用来截取你所喜欢的屏幕画面,但是如果能把这个功能加到自己的程序中,就更能利用它强大的作用-Interception screen is more interested in things, though now there are many applications, such as HYPERSNAP and so on, can be used to the interception of your favo
Call function by name in C++
- Useful for scr ipting language development
- LOG4CPLUS, the best one in the world!!!!!!!!!!
- The arping tool is analogous in function to ping, which probes hosts using the ICMP at the Internet Layer.Arping operates at the Link Layer using the ARP for probing hosts on the local network only, as ARP cannot be routed across gateways (routers).
- NestProfessor SDK 可以智能地在板材上排版各种图形(零件). 1) 优化的排版结果以获得最高的板材利用率。 2) 高速的排版速度。 3) 支持Part-in-Part排版方式。 4) 支持利用板材余料进行排版。 5) 支持读写DXF/DWG文件。 6)支持添加图形辅助信息。例如在钣金加工行业中,可以在零件边界上添加导入导出,微连接等加工特征。-NestProfessor is a SDK and Tool which can
AODV TinyOS 2.x
- This is AODV code in NesC for tinyOS 2.x
Keil coding
- Communication Coding in Keil format
- VamIndustry is one of the best signals that you have to use in your life, on time to selected good services to work
- a new desk project in development. its a new desk i plan on putting some time in to in the near future. its pretty cool and awesome.
- Leyi module, built-in module of Leyi tieba, e language module, EC suffix