- After quite a few requests, I thought I d post this tree control that uses a similar selection drawing style to the list control I posted here: ListCtrl - A WTL list control with Windows Vista style item selection. For an added bonus, I ve also inclu
- 1、用对话框形式显示用户对输入子图的选择,包括选择子图类型(子图库),子图线颜色以及子图区域填充颜色(颜色表)。 2、实现绘图区各图形的颜色属性的更改,具体是单击图形操作菜单项,在单击编辑区域参数,或编辑线参数。然后就可以对绘图区的各种类型的图形进行相应的参数编辑。具体是以上操作完成后,右击你所要编辑的图形,然后就弹出对话框(颜色表),对颜色进行编辑。同时颜色表对话框中各颜色可通过双击对应颜色项进行编辑。 3、可以在图上实施放大、缩小、移动。放大缩小是通过鼠标操作的。将你的鼠标位置置于所
- 本项目是一个图表软件,能将一些数据通过设定的规范转化为图表,并生产jpg,bmp等图片,效果清晰,每一条记录还带有颜色,非常漂亮。- This item was a chart software, can some of the normative data set into a graph, and production of jpg, bmp and other images, the effect of clear, also with a record of each color,
- 整理好的全面的数值方法上机题题库 有源代码 流程图便于学习 尤其适合初学者-Finishing a good question-on the value of a comprehensive item bank, active code, flowcharts, easy to learn especially suitable for beginners
- 一般情況下,按鈕的繪製工作是由相同完成的,但是有時我們覺得系統繪製的效果太單調,想使自己的按鈕與眾不同,這時你可以選中控件的Owner draw屬性。選擇了這個屬性後,系統便不再繪製該控件,而是當需要顯示控件時,系統會發送WM_DRAWITEM消息給CButton類(對於SDK編程,消息通常是發給父窗口)。對於其他控件,如ListBox,系統在發送WM_DRAWITEM消息前,還發送WM_MEASUREITEM消息,主要是讓你設置ListBox中每個項目的高度-Under normal circ
- User options The Options form enables users to reset the high scores and turn sound on and off. Help The application includes a compiled Help project. The compiled Help is accessed through the Help menu item. Mouse The mouse is used not
- 1. 图像数据AutoClip,支持8位图像-Image item can auto clip,support 8bit image