- 这段程序实现了对图像的膨胀运算,针对的都是黑色点。参数中有一个BOOL变量,为真时,表示在水平方向进行膨胀运算,即结构元素B为(1 ,1. ,1)否则在竖直方向上进行膨胀运算,即结构元素B为1 1.1 。-this program for the expansion of computing image has been aimed at Black Point. Parameters have a BOOL variable to true, in the horizontal directi
- 中值滤波是图像增强常用的方法。程序中参数Hori是一个布尔变量,若为真,做水平中值滤波,否则,做竖直中值滤波。-Median Filtering is the common method of Image-enhancing.In the application ,the parameter \"Hori\" is a BOOL variable,which is TRUE for the operation of Horizon Median Filter or FALSE for the V
- 参数Hori是一个布尔变量,若为真,做水平中值滤波,否则,做竖直中值滤波。-parameter is a Boolean variable, if true, so the level of median filtering, otherwise, do vertical median filtering.
- 采样一幅图.利用小波变根据二进制数(水印)来改变图片,提取其中一个子带的直方图.-a sampling plan. Using wavelet based binary variable (Watermark) to change the picture, which extraction of a subband histogram.
- Variableblur is a gaussian, binomial or average blur filter with a variable radius
- 简单的运动小球,其中多处运用到var变量的使用,希望大家多多支持!-simple ball movement, a number of which applied to the use of variable var hope that everyone can support!
Variance operator
- 一种可变的掩模操作算子,在做图像掩模操作和实用!-a variable mask Operator, doing image mask operation and practical!
fast Gaussian process latent variable model
- fast Gaussian process latent variable model Software (FGPLVM). This toolbox allows for larger GP-LVM models through using the sparse approximations suggested in papers by authors including Titsias, Snelson, Ghahramani, Seeger, and Lawrence
- 吐血之作,长期学习x264时,点滴的注释,对新手学习会有非常大的帮助,函数变量标准等注释非常详细,当然还没有把所有代码全部注释完成,但已经很多很多了。-Hematemesis for, long-term learning x264, the drip of the notes, the novice will have a very big help to learn, function, variable standards are very detailed notes, of cours
- 一套围棋游戏 带AI的 很不错 值得学习一下 棋盘格数可变-Go with a set of game AI is very well worth learning about the number of checkerboard grid variable
- The PictureBox s Paint event handler makes a LinearGradientBrush. It defines a color blend to make the brush shade from red to green to blue. It sets the positions of the colors so red and blue are at the ends and green is positioned according to the
- This program repeatedly makes a picture fade to another and back. Variable m_Alpha determined how opaque the first image is.
- 图像峰度偏度函数,函数的变量里需要指明平均值和方差-Image kurtosis skewness function, the function of the variable need to specify the mean and variance
- 这里画出一个叠代图形,叠代函数是: z = z^2 + c 其中c是可变常数。 该程序不仅仅可以用来示范如何绘制一个简单的叠代图形,也可以用来示范如何 使用c++的操作符重载功能来创造一个新的变量类型。-Draw a graph here, iteration, iteration function is: z = z ^ 2+ c where c is a constant variable. The program not only can be used to demon
- 自定义字体,此字体不同于常规字体,其形过于变长,自定义字体,此字体不同于常规字体,其形过于变长-Custom font, this font is different from the regular font, change its shape too long, custom font, this font is different from the regular font, and its shape is too variable length
- Now you can draw text with each icon and set the the position (top, right, etc.) via gdiPosition variable and I fixed the App.
- 自变量x每变化一个像素,求出y的值,然后SetPixel逐点画曲线,可以画出坐标系。-Independent variable x every change of a pixel,calculate the value of Y,then SetPixel by dotted curve, you can draw the coordinates.
- 模拟可变分区存储管理,是我的毕业设计题目,非常的好,希望顶下。-Analog variable storage management division
- GDI画随机圆,显示圆心轨迹,圆大小可变,显示间隔可控-GDI draw random circle, showing the center of the circle track, circle the size of variable display interval controlled
- 从INI文件读取程序设置,VB读取INI文件的例子,一般INI文件常见用于配置文件,这符合Windows的标准规范,其操作实际和TXT文本差不多,只不过需要注意变量的设置,在Vb中直接读取对应的变量名,广泛用于程序参数配置中。本程序是从ini文件中读取Vb窗口的标题栏文字信息,挺简单的INI文件应用。 -Read from the INI file settings, VB example to read INI files, INI files commonly used for gene