- 下面我将这个文件分割器的运行流程简单列出如下: 1、 选择要分割原文件,用OpenFileDialog控件实现,变量SplitSourceFileName 记录文件路径。 2、 选择分割后文件的保存地址,用FolderBrouserDialog控件实现,变量SplTargetFolder记录保存路径。 3、 用户输入分块大小,可选择以KB或以MB为单位,变量ItemSize记录。 4、 点击“开始分割”按键,若个参数合法,则开始执行分割过程,进度条显示执行进度,否则提示错误。
- 同力IVR脚本校验器, 如果你也是同力IVR的脚本程序员,有没有这样的经历呢,要大量修改一个变量名称,用记事本替换掉内容以后,却发现编程器不认了,不用愁,用这个脚本校验的工具吧. 本程序只是用于学习,以及个人使用,请勿用于破坏.如果是属于漏秘程序,请与我联系,我会尽快删除它.-edge IVR scr ipt with the validator, if you are the same edge IVR scr ipt programmers do not have the exper
- 程序运行首先生成传统的Logistic映射Feigenbaum分岔图。水平方向是参数u,取值范围是0—4;竖直方向是变量x,取值范围是0—1。-running first generation traditional Logistic Map Feigenbaum bifurcation diagram. The direction is the level parameters u, value in the range of 0-4; Vertical direction is variab
- C语言用va_start等宏来处理这些可变参数。这些宏看起来很复杂,其实原理挺简单,就是根据参数入栈的特点从最靠近第...看了这几个宏,不禁让我再次感慨,C语言太灵活了-using C language, such as Acer va_start to deal with these variable parameters. These Acer looks very complicated, very simple principle, Push is on the basis of the
- 可变分区存储管理的模拟实现 -variable storage management through the realization of variable analog storage management through the Simulation Division variable storage management module Variable be achieved through the Storage Management Simulation
- amr是一种优秀的变速率语音编码技术,这篇文档介绍了amr中用到的两种帧结构。-amr is outstanding variable-rate speech coding technology, This document describes the amr which use the two frame structure.
- amrwb适用于3G系统的变速率语音编码技术,这篇文档介绍了amrwb中的帧结构。-amrwb applicable to the 3G system variable-rate speech coding technology, This document describes the amrwb the frame structure.
- this project is MultiIndexed FileSystem i done it for \"Information storage and retrieval FileSystem course\" it is like IBM VSAM FS, use variable lenght record , and B+Tree algorithm for indexing,and store data in PileFile(*.pile) and also indexes i
- 摘要: 这个程序用下拉菜单条的方式可变选取参数观测李萨如图形.用MATLAB编写-Abstract : This procedure using the drop-down menu, select the variable parameters observation Lissajous figures. using MATLAB
- * 用改进的欧拉方法求解初值问题,其中一阶微分方程未y =f(x,y) * 初始条件为x=x[0]时,y=y[0]. * 输入: f--函数f(x,y)的指针 * x--自变量离散值数组(其中x[0]为初始条件) * y--对应于自变量离散值的函数值数组(其中y[0]为初始条件) * h--计算步长 * n--步数 * 输出: x为说求解的自变量离散值数组 * y为所求解对应于自变量离散值的函数值数组 -* Improved Euler me
- 动态分区内存分配与回收算法,可利用C++实现可变分区内存分配与回收算法-dynamic memory allocation with the district recovery algorithm can be used to achieve Variable Area C memory allocation and recovery algorithm
- java中的变量转换,希望对大家有所帮助-java of variable conversion, we hope to help
- 最坏适应算法 可变分区调度算法有:最先适应分配算法,最优适应分配算法,最坏适应算法 -worst adaptation algorithm Variable Area scheduling algorithm : the first adaptation allocation algorithm, the optimal allocation algorithm adapt, the worst adaptation algorithm
- 功能强大的CIniFile类。可以修改、读取变量的值。也可以加入新的变量新的组。-powerful CIniFile category. Could be amended to read variable values. Can also add a new variable to the new group.
- ant基本功能代码例子,载入配置文件、打印字符串、环境变量,依赖关系以及执行时的一些条件判断-ant example of the basic functions of the code, load configuration file, print the string, the environment variable, dependent on the relationship and the implementation of a number of conditions to dete
- 使用链表构造变长记录,实现变长记录的存储、增加、删除、查找等相关操作-Linked list structure using variable-length records, the realization of variable-length record store, add, delete, search and other related operations
- 网上找到的许多字符串加密的函数只能对英文字符串进行加密,字符串中若含有汉字则*为力了,经过研究,对网上下载的源码进行了部分修改添加,使得可以对中文字符串也可以进行加密,支持英文与汉字混合字符串加密,VB中对字符串进行加密的模块,字符串中可以有中文字符,使用方法:cipher 密码,源串,存放加密后的字符变量 解密用decipher 密码,被加密的字串,字符串变量。源码多数为网上下载源代码,本人只进行了组合修改,支持回车换行与制表符等部分控制格式的字符,解密后的字符串完全保留原样,该代码已在作者
- 代码实现的是一个可变长记录文件的类库,用于通过调用相应的API,可以往文件里加入长度不限的记录,功能类似一个简单的数据库。同时这个是一个数据库的课程设计-this code is writed to implemented a library for length-variable record file system and also a solution for curricular design of data structure
- matlab7_0高速下载及安装环境变量说明(含序列号).htm-matlab7_0 high-speed download and install the environment variable descr iption (including serial number). htm
- 按规定的格式处理字符串 You will design and implement a program that will take as command line arguments descr iptions of types, possibly associated with variable names, some of those variable names possibly referring to other variable names, check t