- 晕哦,第一次上这个网站,才晓得要上传了的才能下载,那只好把我刚编的一个小程序传上来,还没进行修改,有些冗杂,不要见笑 是自己写的一个base64编码的小程序-Yune, the first on the website, before he can be uploaded to the download, I just have had a series of small programs onto Biography, No changes, and some 22-year old, i
- Sql数据库导入字段数据C#实现。。怎么老说我描述太短。郁闷-Sql database field data into C#. . I said how old is too short descr iption. Gloomy
- 这个是很成熟的旧版本,大家可以放心用的,相当完整-this is a very ripe old version, we can be assured of considerable integrity
- 使用Borland2006的ECO功能時,可以將舊有的數據庫內容複製到由ECO自動生成的數據庫中,這樣一來馬上可以使舊數據庫加入MDA模型開發.-Borland2006 use of the function of the ECO, Some can be used to copy the contents of the database by automatically generating the ECO database, This immediately to an old databa
- 常用攻击程序的C源代码,有些老但很有名,有兴趣的人可以学习学习-procedures used to attack the C source code, but some of the famous old, interested people can learn from
- 常用攻击程序的C源代码,有些老,但很有名,有兴趣的人可以学习学习-procedures used to attack the C source code, some old, but well-known, interested people can learn from
- 这是云台控制的一个老程序,请大家帮忙看看现在还能不能调试的出来~其中还有一些文档资料-This is a tilt control of the old procedures, Please help now will be able to look at the out-debugger which some Documentation
- 此程序十分的老,但是错误却不少。请求大家来帮助,修改重传改名为TC-New。-this procedure is very old, but quite a few mistakes. Request you to help amend Retransmission renamed TC-New.
- 一款有关古英文模糊翻译软件 1.代码嵌入在里面 2.相关硬件需求在说明书中 3.所有代码经过测试 4.解压缩密码为dusan.com- A fuzzy on the Old English translation software 1. Code embedded in the inside 2. The demand for related hardware in the statement 3. All the tested code 4. Dusan.
- 八皇后问题是一个古老而著名的问题,是回溯算法的典型例题。该问题是十九世纪著名的数学家高斯1850年提出:在8X8格的国际象棋上摆放八个皇后,使其不能互相攻击,即任意两个皇后都不能处于同一行、同一列或同一斜线上,问有多少种摆法。 -Eight queens problem is an old and well-known problem is a typical Example backtracking algorithms. The problem is that the nineteent
- Diagramming data can help you understand this data, look at it from a different perspective and gain insight. Think of Microsoft’s BizTalk, Query Analyzer, Data Transformation Services Designer and so on. Diagrams are being used in many ways and for
- 本系统是一个图书馆借还书管理系统,界面友好。应用本系统,可以进行新图书的增加,馆内图书的查询,管理员对馆内旧书的删除,同时采用会员制借书,所以本系统有注册会员功能,也有对应的删除会员和查询会员的功能,还包括有会员对自己借书情况的查询,以了解自己的借书实况。-This system is a library book circulation management system, user-friendly. Application of this system, can be an increa
- SharpDevelop v2.0的源码包,官网上能找到的是v2.2,供需要老点版本的朋友使用。-SharpDevelop v2.0 source package can be found is the official web v2.2, for the need to point version of the old friends are using.
- 小骆驼Perl第四版,虽然比较旧,但是我个人觉得还是蛮经典的,希望可以给大家有所帮助-Small camel Perl, Fourth Edition, is a relatively old, but I personally think it is very classic, and I hope you can help
- Editor for the old muonline hades emulator
- 昨天整理移动硬盘,竟然翻出了五年前的小程序源码。记得当时是在中国人民大学边上的一个小公园里花了一个上午想出来的方案(手稿程序),又用了一个小时的时间编写并调试通过的。这是一个面向对象编程方法的经典示例,虽然现在看起来,有些地方还不够完美(比如,不用泛型,而采用了强制类型转换),但也够一些小兄弟们参考学习之用了。不做修改的发上来,原汁原味地呈现给大家,希望引起大家对“面向对象”的思考。 谁说面向对象已死?你看看用面向对象是怎么解决复杂问题的? 这里所说的复杂问题是指一个很古老
- Very simple example showing how to call win32 DLL in C# source codes. Another PDF explains how to call old C dll in C# source codes.
- 一款不错的机器人程序,是一款蜘蛛程序,能够抓取关键词和描述-Googlebot finds and indexes the web through hyperlinks. It still goes to the new pages through hyperlinks in the old sites. My searchbot (Xearchbot) can find sites and stores its URL, title, keywords metatag and descr ip
- 国王分财产。某国王临终前给儿子们分财产。他把财产分为若干份,然后给第一个儿子一份,再加上剩余财产的1/10;给第二个儿子两份,再加上剩余财产的1/10;……;给第i个儿子i份,再加上剩余财产的1/10。每个儿子都窃窃自喜。以为得到了父王的偏爱,孰不知国王是“一碗水端平”的。请用程序回答,老国王共有几个儿子?财产共分成了多少份?-King divided the property. Sons divided the property before the death of a king. Prop
Old Scanner
- Program for old scanner whihc scans barcode continuously