- 校园BBS论坛作为高校网络传播的重要组成部分,在构建和谐校园文化中发挥着其独特的作用:第一,促进校园物质文化建设1.关注高校教学设施的改善,2.提出校园环境规划的建议;第二,促进校园制度文化建设1.完善校园工作的宏观制度,2.完善日常生活的微观制度;第三,促进校园精神文化建设1.为高校思想政治教育工作者提供参考,2.为教师学生间的教学交流开拓新领域,3.为学生间互通生活信息提供平台,4.为学生获得情感支持和共鸣开辟人际传播的新领域。-BBS forums as a university camp
- 一个类库快速构建和MediaFoundation DirectShow的媒体播放器控件在WPF。 这个工具包附带一个MediaElement更换,一个VideoCaptureElement对于网络摄像头和一个DVDPlayerElement播放dvd和支持交互式菜单。-A library to quickly build DirectShow and MediaFoundation media player controls in WPF. The kit comes with a MediaE
- SatIp RtspSample is a Basic implementation for connect to Sat>ip Server Send Rtsp Request and Recieve Rtsp Response and Plays Rtp stream into a Wmp ActiveX Control
- VC++制作的网页浏览器程序,支持向前、向后翻页,支持刷新,实现了基本的网页浏览功能,不过好像没有屏蔽弹窗的功能,测试时候发现该弹出来的弹窗都弹了-Vc++ to make the web browser program and support the page forward and backward support refresh, implements the basic web browsing function, but it seems no shielding plays the
- Time synchronization plays a critical role in distributed network systems. In this paper, we investigate the time synchronization problem in the context of underwater sensor networks (UWSNs). Although many time-synchronization protocols have been pro
- In every context, Business plays a vital role in the part of human life. Business is nothing but transaction of goods between people.