- 用一个整型数组表示一个大数,数组的每个元素储存大数的一位数字,则实际的大数d表示为: d=a[k]*10的k-1次幂+a[k-1]*10的k-2次幂+......+a[2]*10+a[1] 其中a[0]保存该大数的位数. (2),实现两个大数相乘. (3),再此基础上实现两个大数相除 -With an integer array to represent a large number, every element of the array storage of large numb
- Typing Tutor Project in C. Typing is the basic command to run a computer and your typing speed plays vital role while working in computer to save time. Here I have presented a Typing Tutor Project in C to measure user’s typing speed and to enhan