- 多媒体技术是指利用计算机技术,把多种媒体综合在一起,使之建立起逻辑上的联系,并能对他么进行各种处理的一种方法。主要包括文本、图形、影像、声音、视频、动画等各种形式,并与先进的计算机、通信和广播电视技术相结合,形成一个可组织、存储操作和控制的多媒体信息集成环境和交互系统。 Visual Stdio 2008集成开发环境中提供了windows media player 控件,并且提供了相关的属性、方法,利用这些属性、方法,完全可以实现 windows media player 播放器的所有功能。
- This great peace of software will decode VC-1 compressed elementary stream file into RAW YUV data using libavcodec library from FFMPEG. The project is self-contained and don t need any external resources. The generated raw file is called (test
- 多媒體通訊期末報告, AAC 的全名為 Advanced Audio Coding,其意為高階音訊編碼,是 國際標準組織 (ISO)訂的音訊標準格式,也是 MPEG 規格的一部分。取樣 頻率選擇性更高,更接近 CD 音質;並採用了分辨率更高的濾波器組,達-Final report of multimedia communications, AAC' s full name is Advanced Audio Coding, it means high-end audio encod
- There are basic differences between large and small enterprises. In a small enterprise, you operated mainly through personal contacts. In a large enterprise, you have established “policies”,“channels” of organization, and fairly strict procedure. In