- This the example from Iczelion s Win32 Assembly Tutorial part 24. In order to assemble the example, you have to have ml.exe, link.exe and nmake.exe in your path. If they re not in the path, you will have to edit makefile to include the full path. You
- SRS: 1. startup with Windows. 2. support windows 9x, 2000, XP 3. count for key which can be specified by register. 4. count number recorded in an file which path can be specified by register. 5. single instance. 6. run background. 7. 在任何时候,按Alt+S 显示/
- 一个实现获取各种路径的实例(文件路径、windows 路径、system路径)-access to a variety of paths to achieve examples (paper trails, windows path system path)
- 此程序可以显示鼠标所在位置的相关信息和显示当前进程及其路径 信息有:前位置的句柄、类名、当前控件的内容、颜色等。-this procedure can show the location of the mouse-related information and display the current process and path information : the former location of the handle, a class name, the contents of t
- 自己写的API-Hook。hook的函数是CreateProcessA和CreateProcessW。就是说可以检测进程创建。还有2处不完善。一个是创建程序的路径没能很好的显示。另一个退出时有点系统异常。-himself wrote the API - Hook. The hook function is CreateProcessA and CreateProcessW. Say can detect the creation process. There are two imperfect.
- szAppName(进程映像的绝对路径名),type(对文件的操作类型,取值为0到8),flag(访问类型,取值为0或1),szFileName(文件的绝对路径名)-szAppName (the process of mapping the full path), type (the operation of the document type, value for the 0-8), flag (visit types, value of 0 or 1), szFileName (docume
- 1、截获WINDOWS的系统消息,就是大家说的HOOK 2、监视系统事件 3、监视系统磁盘变化 2、3两种实现的代码昨天刚写了一块,楼主想必看过了,里面两种方法都提到了, 其实只用第3种就好,监视磁盘的同时很容易得到磁盘盘符和类型,得到盘符和路径以后,其他的楼主又没问-an intercepted Windows system message, as we say HOOK 2, 3 incident surveillance systems, surveillance s
- 全局键盘钩子,双击Ctrl能弹出或隐藏制定的窗口,像Google桌面搜索一样。 使用方式:先在工程文件中设置Hook.lib路径,并复制Hook.dll文件到工程目录下。然后调用SetHook(HWND hwnd)注册钩子。-Global keyboard hook, double-click or Ctrl to hide the development of the pop-up window, the same as Google Desktop Search. Used: fi
- 使用WriteProcessMemory函数将DLL的路径名写入到远程进程的内存空间-WriteProcessMemory function using the DLL path name to write to remote process memory space
- Inline Hook NtOpenFile 简单实现保护指定路径文件-Inline Hook NtOpenFile a simple path to achieve the protection of designated documents
- 方便的利用快捷键截取屏幕保存到相应路径DLL 源码-Convenient to use shortcut keys to save the screen to the appropriate path interception DLL source
- 内核模式设备驱动程序对象名称来引用文件。此名称是 DosDevices 一起与该文件的完整路径。 -Kernel-mode device driver object name to reference documents.This name is DosDevices together with the full path of the file.
- 记录所有按键信息和按键时当前窗口名称并保存为文本文档; 将按键信息发送至指定邮箱中; 软件可自动运行可自动复制一份到其他路径并随系统自动启动 -Record all key information and key when the name of the current window and save as a text document the key message sent to the specified mailbox software can automa
- DLLInjector by Ahmed Obied, 2008 Usage: DLLInjector.exe [DLL path] [Target Process ID]
- Usage: DLLInjector.exe [DLL path] [Target Process ID]
- 进程相关函数HOOK代码VOID DisplayProcess() 列举进程 VOID DisplayThread() 列举线程 ULONG GetCidAddr() 列举进程所需要的Cid表 DWORD GetDllFunctionAddress() 主动防御中通过句柄得到路径 PVOID GetDriverBaseAdress() 获取指定驱动基址 DWORD GetPlantformDependentInfo () 获取平台信息 BOOL GetProcessNa
- 通过raw方式获取键盘输入,并且在当前路径下生成一个文本文件-Way to get through the raw keyboard input, and in the current path generates a text file
- 运行主程序,然后在要抓包的游戏或者程序里面按小键盘的星号键呼叫。 然后点“开始”,就可以抓包了,点“停止”是停止抓包,回到游戏点“关闭本窗口”, 在在上面的筐筐里面可以写上保存的文件名,一般是TXT文件,要打完整的路径和名字 否则出错,退出前一定要点“释放本窗口”,不然会出错。再有就是有些游戏会无发呼叫本窗口。 本程序源代码BCB 5.0通过。 本程序只钩挂了"send","sendto","recv","recvfrom"这4个函数,WSAsend等不钩挂, 因为是
- 驱动DLL注入源码,学习驱动很好的代码.应用层和驱动层都有源代码-Here you can find source codes. Note: to compile NtProcDrv you need NTDDK to be installed on your computer. To run compiled sample, place tunew20.dll in any folder that is specified in PATH variable (windows/syst
- 1.加载内核 2.修正镜像 3.内核重定位 4 与修正sdt -源语言: 中文目标语言: 英语翻译点击有惊喜,“我喜欢你” 用粤语怎么说?来听听“不知道”用粤语怎么说?点击试试 “做人呢,最重要的就是开心” 的粤语发音想知道“鱼丸粗面”用粤语怎么说吗?小伙伴们快来试试粤语翻译,点击:你饿不饿?我去煮碗面给你吃 源语言: 中文目标语言: 英语翻译点击有惊