- 应用c语言编写的可以实现的巴特沃斯低通滤波器的原理应用,C language applications can be prepared by the Butterworth low-pass filter application of the principle
- 编译原理LL1词法分析,包括first集,follow集,适合对编译原理有一定基础的人,Compilation Principle LL1 lexical analysis, including the first set, follow set, suitable for compilers based on the principle of a certain person
- 一个小ANTLR程序,实现了tinyc的语法,是学习编译原理的很好的例子,A small ANTLR procedures, the implementation of the tinyc grammar, studying compilers are good example of the principle of
- 正则式到有穷自动机 最近刚学了编译原理 搞出来得这个东西。 有限自动机的确定华,NFA到DFA的转变。 ,Is the type that the DFA has recently learned a compiler to produce more of the principle of things. Determination of finite automata China, NFA to DFA transformation.
- 此为银行排队系统 银行营业厅配置 --营业窗口设3~8个,可以灵活设置 ;两类客户:一类是普通客户,一类是VIP客户 (需要提供VIP身份号进行身份验证);设定1~2个窗口优先办理VIP客户服务。只要有VIP客户在等待,这些窗口都要优先办理VIP客户业务。只在当前没有VIP客户服务申请的情况下,这些窗口转去办理普通客户业务。 营业窗口在办完一项业务后,可以暂停办理,停止叫号,休息一段时间,然后恢复办理。但原则上所有窗口不会同时休息。 当所有服务号码都被处理完毕,才允许发出“下班”指令,关
- 理解通信系统特别是无线通信系统对基带信号的处理方法及目的,包括基带系统的差错控制,扩频跳频原理,保密通信等基本原理和实现方法。 -Understanding of communication systems, especially wireless communications system to the base-band signal processing methods and purposes, including base-band system for error control
- 此次设计与制做数字钟就是为了了解数字钟的原理,从而学会制作数字钟.而且通过数字钟的制作进一步的了解各种在制作中用到的中小规模集成电路的作用及实用方法.且由于数字钟包括组合逻辑电路和时叙电路.通过它可以进一步学习与掌握各种组合逻辑电路与时序电路的原理与使用方法.-Design and production of the digital clock digital clock in order to understand the principle, so learn to create digit
- 彼得原理(The Peter Principle),正是彼得根据千百个有关组织中不能胜任的失败实例的分析而归纳出来-Peter Principle (The Peter Principle), that Peter had hundreds of concerned organizations based on the failure of an instance can not do the analysis and induction from
- 详细介绍频谱仪的工作原理,以及安捷伦频谱仪的使用介绍-Spectrum analyzer principle
- principle of digital line coding
- 第四版白中英主编的计算机组成原理PPT,很好的学习资料-It is a PPT about computer organization principle
- 光学原理 第五版,Born & Wolf 所著,非常经典的光学书籍-principle of optics,5th version, edited by Born & Wolf,very classical optical books.
- 由相当经验的工程师结合实践及理论知识对SVPWM进行原理、推导及算法详解,学习后可对相关卢纶有进一步地理解和认识,另外附一些和PWM相关的网址以供交流学习。-Engineers from the considerable experience and theoretical knowledge with practice carried on SVPWM principle of derivation and algorithms explain, after learning of the r
- 自锁按键的原理 代码仍用点亮LED那段代码即可,IO给出高电平让LED常亮,自锁按键实现开光-The principle of self-locking button Code still use that code to turn on the LED, IO LED lit given the high level so that, to achieve self-locking button opening
- 编译原理是计算机专业的一门重要专业课,旨在介绍编译程序构造的一般原理和基本方法。内容包括语言和文法、词法分析、语法分析、语法制导翻译、中间代码生成、存储管理、代码优化和目标代码生成。 编译原理是计算机专业设置的一门重要的专业课程。(The principle of compilation is an important specialized course in computer science, which aims to introduce the general principles an
The seismology principle of geophysics
- 地球物理专业的地震学原理,里面包含方法、程序,非常实用,同学们可以看看(The principle of seismology of geophysics, which contains methods and procedures is very practical, so students can take a look)
- Principle汉化破解版 原型动效设计软件(Principle Chinese version of cracked prototype dynamic efficiency design software)
Principle of heat repair technology
- 全面详细讲解热修复技术原理,让读者对热修复有更深入的理解(Principle of heat repair technology)
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- system security and stability of massive data analysis and so on; deeply describes the core principle
The basic principle
- The basic principle of the boundary element method