- 简介: ASP的web在线聊天室源程序,程序实现了聊天室的许多功能,特别是刷新功能,做到了实时刷新(有人说话才刷,保持屏幕不连续闪烁),还包含了一些编程技巧,主文件是index.htm。 -Profile : ASP web source online chat rooms, a procedure to achieve the many chat rooms function, especially refreshing, with the real-time update (someone&
- Vxworks的任务就是竞争系统资源的(特别是硬件资源)的最小单位,可以动态的创建、删除、任务状态改变等,函数是任务的灵魂!当你编写函数后,你才可以使用任务创建函数来创建一个具有自己特征(自己的参数值)的任务-Vxworks competition is the task of system resources (especially hardware resources) the smallest unit, The dynamic can create, delete, change the
- 一个Javascr ipt 的类库,用于table内容排序。使用很方便,不用每次都去调用数据库了。 特别适合多表查询的排序。加上<tbody>的style.display 切换,也可以实现分页。 -of a Javascr ipt library for the content of sorting table. Very easy to use, do not have to call each time the database. Especially suita
- 一个老外写的FTP服务器程序,是一个很有参考价值好东东.此代码本人修改过,特传上来与大家分享.-a foreigner to write FTP server program, Reference is a very good Eastern values. I have this code revised, especially onto Chuan share with you.
- 网络编程的不错的例子,可以研究研究。尤其里面的算法实现部分,效率相当高-Network Programming good example, studies. Especially inside the algorithm, a very high efficiency
- http 断点续传演示 delphi的资料很少,特上传此参考。-http HTTP demonstration delphi little information, especially uploads this information.
- 有用的as,希望对大家有用!!!尤其是对初学者-useful as, a member of the useful! ! ! Especially for beginners!
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- 时代商城购物系统 是一个经过完善设计,适用于各种服务器环境的高效购物系统解决方案。时代网联信息科技有限公司具有丰富的 web 应用程序设计经验,尤其在购物系统产品及相关领域,经过长期创新性开发,掌握了一整套从算法,数据结构到产品安全性方面的领先技术,使得时代商城购物系统无论在稳定性、负载能力、安全保障等方面都居于国内外同类产品领先地位。-era shopping mall shopping system after system is a perfect design, apply to all
- 自己动手写操作系统一书的光盘,感觉很有用处,尤其对于了解操作系统,希望大家喜欢!-personally written a book of the operating system CD, I feel useful, especially for the understanding of operating systems, hope you like them!
- 此浏览器使用ie7界面,使用最先进内存优化技术,占用内存极少,1m左右。浏览速度快,特别适合笔记本内存较小的用户。-this ie7 use browser interface, the use of the most advanced memory optimization technology, uses very little memory about 1m. Browse fast, especially for smaller memory notebook users.
- 很好的能解决网络数据丢包处理的算法。特别是在带宽一定的情况下,解决网络数据传输和带宽、数据传输完整性的较优解决方案。-good solution processing network data packet loss algorithms. Especially in certain circumstances bandwidth, the solution to network bandwidth and data transmission, data transmission integri
- JTAG编程资料,特别经典,可以看看,想看的同志有福了-JTAG programming information, especially classics, and can see that if you want to see the Blessed comrades
- VBscr ipt的源码,相信很多html程序员都会用到,这些源码小小变动一下,可以用在很多地方,尤其在DHTML中!-VBscr ipt the source, I think a lot of html programmers will be used, These small changes in the source code that can be used in many places, especially in DHTML!
- Provides rich background information to beginners entering this subject area. The diagrams are clear-cut, as are the snippets of codes. There are hardly any errors throughout the book. covers a broad and coherent range of distributed-computing techni
- 站内查询小程序~~不错哦比如你键入:新思维网或者xsww.net 你网站里的所以含有新思维或者xsww.net的网页都会查询出来,特别方便实用。想在你的网站中实现查询功能的快下,机会不要错过。-stations for small programs ~ ~ Oh, good for you type : new thinking or xsww.net your network's website containing new thinking so xsww.net or inquir
- MyIE3.0浏览器源代码 MyIE是网络上较为流行的多页面浏览器,其使用IE内核,增强了较多的功能,尤其可贵的是作者公开的其源代码。不管是初学者还是高手都可以从中学习到不好东西。-MyIE3.0 browser source code engine is the more popular network of more pages browser, the use of IE kernel, enhanced with more features, especially valuable is
- adore linux rootkit , 版本 0.4。2, 原理:通过lkm实现修改内核,做到文件等的隐藏,运行稳定,值 得研究,特别是其中的思想-adore, version 0.4. 2, Principle : lkm achieve change kernel, so the hidden documents and stable operation, worthy of study, especially the thinking
- 这是再rad hat9.0下对NS-2.26中的aodv路由协议的优化,尤其是在能量有很大的进步,要运行的话,需要先安装NS,然后替换AODV模块-it is again rad hat9.0 under the NS - 2.26 aodv the optimization of routing protocols, especially in the energy a lot of improvements to the operation, the need to install NS,
- Information Retrieval (IR) is the discipline that deals with retrieval of unstructured data, especially textual documents, in response to a query or topic statement, which mayitselfbeunstructured,e.g.,asentenceorevenanotherdocument,orwhichmay be s